Page 9 - Issue-36
P. 9
ELITE Three years of passion...
Three years of passion...
Three years of a journey: Elite
Jozeph George: Vice Editor in Chief, 3rd
Jozeph George: Vice Editor in Chief, 3rd
year student - economics dep.
year student - economics dep.
The journey began with a small group of
Three years ago, there was no such students with great potential, who, over
thing as Elite magazine; there wasn't a time and with the requisite experience,
space where the opinions of all our led their newly enrolled colleagues to
dear college students, with their become, three years later, a team of more
different beliefs and backgrounds, than 40 members of the elite factory, in
were expressed. The journey started three years did many unimaginable
with a group of students with things, and without their determination
ambitions, and here I mean the word and hard work, they would not have
achieved what they had achieved.
journey, as these students have chosen Today we celebrate the passing of three
- and God only knows how successful years of luxury based on diversity and
- to be elite, they have chosen to accepting and presenting the other
sacrifice a little bit of their free time opinion. Today, we include editors from
to fill themselves with experience and all the sections and departments of the
knowledge, as this choice has allowed faculty, with their different references
them to deal more closely with the and opinions. A team of editors are fully
faculty's professors and its graduates prepared to provide prestigious and
with the powerful mentalities that mature content based on a study and love.
have allowed them to gain access to Elite has always been a home, a
many prestigious positions. sanctuary and an entity to talk and talk
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 8