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ELITE                                                           Three years of passion...
                                                                              Three years of passion...

        youth and officials, each in his field.               of science, technology, economy and politics…

          Also,  we  propose  a  space  to  correct           so  that  the  people  of  tomorrow  will  know  what

        misconceptions, so that the "elite" will take the     problems  they  will  face;  the  consequences  of  the
        lead  in  setting  definitions,  explaining  and      current  conditions  of  problems  and  challenges  such
        correcting  many  concepts  and  terms  that  were    as: “Energy”, “Water”, “Lack of Resources” How the
                                                              relations will be between people, the shape of future
        basically created by societies that aren’t familiar   gatherings, and blocs. The lead and leadership is for
        to  us  and  the  needs  of  our  society.  Examples  those  who  have  a  choice  based  on  reality  to  see  the
        include:     "Human       Rights",    "Freedom",      future.
        "Democracy",  "The  Role  of  Media",  "National
        Sovereignty" and “Population Increase”.               What next..., what remains to say about "Elite" a lot
                                                              remains, but we will now suffice to say that choosing
        I also suggest a permanent space to introduce the     "Elite"  as  the  title  of  the  college  magazine  is  a  very
        achievements of the “New Republic.” The giant         successful choice, because for sure it goes to the role
        projects  scattered  throughout  the  country  are    and  the  task  expected  of  it,  and  it  is  also  a
        many and varied, and their economic, social, and      reconsidering  for  the  term  “Elite”  after  it  was
                                                              subjected to a lot of distortion on the hands of those
        political  effects  are  numerous.  “Elite”  should   who have the “Dark Thought” in order to prevent the
        have a role in raising awareness of the economic,     role  of  the  “Elite”  in  raising  awareness  and
        political,  and  strategic  importance  of  these     enlightenment..  because  “Elite”  are  those  elite
        projects.  Which  will  have  an  important  impact   members  of  society  and  opinion  leaders,  each  in  his
        on the benefit of the whole society.                  field.  They  are  the  locomotive  that  drives  society
                                                              towards progress. This does not mean any arrogance

        Also,  we  suggest  another  space  entitled  “A      or  classism  towards  the  rest  of  the  groups  and
        Window to the Future” in which the elite looks at     members  of  society,  but  it  is  a  priority  role  and  a
        the  future  prospects  in  an  attempt  to  explore  moral and cognitive responsibility, and this is always
        what the world will be like in the future in terms    expected  from  our  dear  "Elite"  league,  wishing  it
                                                              continued leadership and excellence.

                                     Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021                                         6
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