Page 3 - Issue-36
P. 3
Three years of passion...
ELITE Three years of passion...
The Three ELITE candles:
Professionalism, Commitment and
Prof. Mahmoud Alsaid, FEPS Dean and
Prof. Mahmoud Alsaid, FEPS Dean and
ELITE President
ELITE President
Translation: Passainte Hussein eagerly awaited each month by everyone
around; students, professors, alumni and others
This month, we happily celebrate the three- who are affiliated with our college, despite
year anniversary of the establishment of our their different mindsets and thoughts. In other
beloved “Elite”, which issued electronically by words, Elite has developed into a focal point
Cairo University’s Faculty of Economics and that connects the poles apart.
Political Science. And on this special occasion, The richness and diversity of Elite has been
I’m pleased to sincerely congratulate the something that all its readers have
exceptional staff of Elite, and commend their unanimously agreed upon, it has always been
priceless contributions, which enlightened the an honest and free platform, that solely seeks
fields of economics and political science, as perfectionism; and herein lies its strength. The
well as enriching the brains of our students. For solemnity of articles and investigations
the past 3 years, Elite has been an electronic included, alongside the constant urge to spread
ambassador for our college’s students and the truth and nothing but the truth, has led to
professors, and since day one, it has been the creating a platform that wholeheartedly seek
perfect symbol there is of objectivity, honesty the interest of our dear Egypt.
and integrity; those who got to witness Elite Three candles are lit this month in celebration
since its birth know always aver its worth and of this extraordinary project, which was born a
status. Those in charge of Elite have always giant, and will continue grow all thanks to the
been keen to create a free platform for great efforts made by this magazine's staff.
enlightened cultural opinion; one that is a Three candles represent the professionalism,
bright image of sobriety, seriousness, commitment and leadership of those
responsibility and moderation. responsible for managing this dear magazine -
Hence, today’s three-year anniversary is not our "Elite" magazine.
just a celebration of a student magazine that
became one of a kind a short period of time,
it’s in fact a celebration of a young intellectual May our dear "Elite" continue flourishing
platform whose influence has exceeded all the year after year.
limits, and became something that is eagerly
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 2