Page 15 - Issue-36
P. 15
Three years of passion...
ELITE Three years of passion...
For example, when I go to any country, my journey in search of The Corona period has made social media much stronger. On
popular food requires meeting the people themselves and the one hand, it made many people who did not have any
getting to know them and their customs and traditions. Also, previous dealings with social media turn to it to get rid of the
food content has a lot of views in Egypt, which guarantees in boredom of home quarantine. On the other hand, a lot of
one way or another a guaranteed income. Despite this, it is content makers appeared, as everyone with talent seemed to
difficult to excel in presenting this content due to the large turn to me. Social media to present it, from my point of view
number of presenters, but I was able to overcome this challenge that the Corona virus had a positive impact on the field, with
and excel in this content by filming professional cinematic the large number of content makers, the competition increased,
scenes of high quality, so the high quality and my influential which puts pressure on everyone to improve the quality of
personality are two of the reasons for my success in this field. their content, in addition to the emergence of new ideas that
How do you see cooperation with other content makers from did not exist before, as the state of boredom that prevailed
your point of view and also through your personal experience? opened field for creativity.
Collaborating with other content creators benefits me greatly Social media has many negatives, as it created some
and conveys a lot of experience to me. Collaborating with dissatisfaction with their lives, what is your assessment of
content creators who are starting their careers gives me the that?
opportunity to expand my relationships and present new and Of course, social media has many pros and cons. One of its
different ideas. Recently, I realized the importance of the biggest drawbacks is that it may cause a state of depression for
principle of cooperation, so I started collaborating with a lot of some, for example, years ago, before the expansion of social
content makers because over time it has become busier and I media, we were not able to know the details of the personal
may not be able to take such a step. lives of celebrities, it was limited to what they presented on
In your opinion, is it necessary to have another job besides your television, theatre.. .., With the emergence of social media,
work as a content maker, given that the field of social media everyone began to know the details of the life of the famous
and YouTube is an unstable source of income? person, how he lives, what he eats and drinks .....,
Of course, the content industry is unstable, so when I have a unfortunately that this defect does not have a radical solution,
suitable job opportunity, I try to get the maximum profit but every person should not think that he wants to become
possible. In addition to this work, it is necessary to have Like anyone, each of us has something that distinguishes him,
another relatively stable job because the field of social media is each person must have reconciliation with himself and be
not guaranteed, for example, I own my own restaurant in satisfied with what he has.
addition to that I started recently I work in the field of How do you act when there is a state of stagnation in thoughts,
production, in general I try to use the field of social media to and does the presence of a brother of yours in the same field
market my own work outside this field. Relying on social help you to overcome this matter?
media only as a field of work without having another The most difficult matter in the field of content production is
guaranteed work is considered wrong. not photography or montage, but the idea around which the
With the spread of the Corona virus, many people turned to the video will revolve, and this matter varies from field to field.
social media field to take advantage of their spare time. What is The hardest is when traveling to a place, of course, there is
your assessment of this matter, and is the Corona virus content, but when I finish filming, if I want to go again to the
considered a turning point in the content industry? same place to make a video,
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 16