Page 27 - Issue-36
P. 27
Three years of passion...
ELITE Three years of passion...
Generally speaking, many of the people working in To avoid extreme situations, when, where, how
the service industry are underpaid. Nowadays, it’s much, and whom should I tip? As a rule of thumb,
challenging to go about your day without having to tip anyone who handles your food or belongings.
tip anyone. Does this mean that gratuity is always a The tip should be proportional to the quality of
must? Not necessarily! It is customary to tip, but if service to show appreciation and encourage
you feel that the service is not up to standard, you workers. A perquisite equivalent to 10% of your
are always free to leave out the tip. Even though receipt is acceptable if you are still unsure. In cases
gratuity is optional here in Egypt, sometimes, if where you want to tip people in the hospitality
you choose not to tip, you will find yourself industry, 20-50 EGP per day is the way to go. Tip
obliquely reminded to pay up. I had to learn the the valet parking personnel, people who help with
hard way that the “Happy holidays” you hear from
people providing you with a service is sometimes your groceries, your Uber driver, and others who
just a way of asking for a tip. Unfortunately, not help you with day-to-day tasks 5-10 EGP, or ask
everyone will receive this kindly. Do this enough them to keep the change if you’re short on money.
times, and you’ll be known as the customer who If you find yourself in a position where the way
never tips, end up with a lovely nickname that staff you are treated depends on how much you pay in
members use to refer to you and receive special gratuities, this is no longer a gratuity but a bribe.
treatment from the staff. On the other hand, if Be sure to report such behavior to a manager, or
you’re known to leave a handsome tip, you’ll find contact the Administrative Control Authority if
yourself hoarded with people ready to serve you at your concerns are dismissed.
your beck and call. Sadly, I experienced both sides In conclusion, the main differences between a tip
myself. Does this simply mean that these and a bribe are the timing and the outcome. Since
establishments and I have different views on what tipping is commonplace in Egypt, sometimes what
exactly qualifies as a tip, or is the line between a you’re paying could be a bribe, so understanding
gratuity and a bribe just fuzzy? It is not always the occasion and circumstance of the payment as
apparent how the tip you leave will influence future well as taking proper measures whenever the need
interactions, and if you’ve fallen victim to the trap arises, helps you avoid bribing anyone. Finally, we
mentioned previously, don’t let this discourage you shall end this with some food for thought. Should
from tipping. There is a silver lining: no matter bribes that harm no one and provide both parties
how little you leave in tips, it always helps with a mutual advantage still be discouraged? How
encourage those receiving the perquisite.
is that different from lobbying?
Vol.1, Issue (36), October 2021 26