Page 27 - Issue 34
P. 27

ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

          pound  collapsed  against  the  U.S.  dollar,  inflation  increased

          significantly, millions of Lebanese were displaced from the country,
          nearly  120,000  Lebanese  citizens  were  killed,  and  the  situation  in

          1990 was like a disaster in all respects, and this current crisis began
          with  the  lebanese  government's  debt  to  pay  salaries  of  employees,
          due  to  the  control  of  militias  armed  on  some  public  facilities  and

          deprived the government of its revenues.

          After  the  civil  war  and  in  order  to  try  to  rebuild  Lebanon,  the  Government  launched
          A’afaak 2000 plan, and its plan to save money for this plan was to borrow by selling

          bonds and treasury assets to Lebanese banks at high interest rates in order to encourage
          the  banks  to  buy  that  bonds.  The  Lebanese  Government  not  only  did  so,  but  began

          borrowing from abroad in 1999 through the sale of international bonds called Euro Bund,
          and in 2004 the debt doubled fantastically due to continued and repeated borrowing and

          inability to afford it. On repayment, debt accounted for nearly 180% of Lebanon's GDP, a
          very large figure.
          Although total debt amounted to about $34 billion, there was no improvement in living

          conditions,  quite  the  contrary,  unemployment  increased  and  poverty  rates  increased
          because most of the funds borrowed were disbursed on non-productive projects that did
          not achieve the required return, and the remaining part was devoted to the repayment of

          external  debt,  until  the  Lebanese  Government  was  not  able  to  borrow  until  the
          repayment of old debt repayments.

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