Page 24 - Issue 34
P. 24

ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

          Another study called THE BABY-FACED STUDY.  The following study is not directly
                                    The handsome killer and the bias in
          related to physical attractiveness but it is related to physical appearance. Zebrowitz and
          McDonald measured the effects of defendants with a ‘baby-face’ and the judge’s verdict
                                                     the legal system
          decisions.  This  is  a  strange  characteristic  to  measure,  however,  the  results  were
          significant enough to warrant attention; the more baby-faced an adult was, the less likely

          he/she was found to be guilty for ‘intentional actions’ in civil claims. But on the other
          hand, some judges tend to try not to fall into this mistake so they decide to not be fooled

          by  the  attractive  offenders.  Instead,  they  find  attractive  offenders  more  that  they  find
          unattractive ones, still a kind of bias right? In conclusion, I was amazed that our skillful

          brains could be tricked due to physical appearance, but I’m glad that at the end of the
          day, Cameron Herien received the punishment just right for him and that’s justice after
          all that will make the family of the lost two innocent souls relieved.

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