Page 23 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

                                    The handsome killer and the bias in

                                                     the legal system

                                              Mariam Elsafty, second year, political science
          Weeks  ago,  we  have  noticed  the  attractive  young  But a concern of mine is that I don’t want to over-emphasize
          man, Cameron Herrin, who was sentenced to prison  the attractiveness bias. Judges and jurors are affected by all
          for  24  years,  and  I  kept  wondering  why  do  some  kinds of cognitive distortions, such as emotive evidence, time
          people  want  to  lessen  the  amount  of  years  of  of day, remorse of the defendant, socioeconomic status, race,
          punishment saying that he was too young to spend  gender,  anchoring  effect,  and  the  contrast  bias.  Sometimes
          his blooming years at prison, in contrast to that, the  mock  jurors  generally  sentenced  unattractive  criminals
          side which sees he actually deserved the punishment  significantly  higher  than  attractive  criminals.  However,  as
          or even more, were so frustrated blaming Cameron  jurors do not determine sentencing in real court cases, these
          saying  that  he  caused  two  innocent  people  to  lose  results  are  not  directly  applicable.  Generally,  attractive
          their lives. And let me say that this case has caused  people  are  perceived  as  more  intelligent,  more  socially
          my mind to wonder; why do those people, who are  skilled,  more  appealing  personalities,  more  moral,  more
          mostly teenage girls, defend a killer? I overthought  altruistic, more likely to succeed, more hirable as managers,
          the idea until I decided to ask google that gave me a  and  more  competent.  Attractive  people  tend  to  have  better
          shocking  answer!  The  answer  was,  and  in  many  physical  health,  better  mental  health,  earn  more  money,
          cases,  the  level  of  physical  attractiveness  of  the  obtain  higher  career  positions,  chosen  for  jobs  more  often,
          offender could be a measure upon which people in  promoted  more  often,  receive  better  job  evaluations,  and
          the  form  of  society  and  judges  in  the  form  of  the  chosen  as  business  partners  more  often,  than  unattractive
          legal system place their judgments and punishment  people.  I  believe  that  the  attractiveness  bias  is  rarely
          on.  Casually  saying,  if  we  have  a  very  attractive  conscious.
          serial  killer  who  was  sentenced  to  death,  some  . I do not think people are consciously disfavoring unattractive
          people of a society would get sad for him regardless  people. I also do not place moral blame on the typical person
          his  awful  history  of  getting  innocents  to  lose  their  for their unconscious bias. We have some scientific studies that
          lives. Let me clarify that those people didn’t   show  us  the  reason  behind  this  bias.  Starting  by  THE
          choose  to  have  empathy  for  the  bad  guy,  but  it’s  PENNSYLVANIAN   STUDY.   In   Pennsylvanian   and
          something subconscious. Even judges could change  Philadelphian  courts,  the  researcher’s  gathered  data  on  67
          the  degree  of  punishment,  subconsciously,  from  defendants. The defendants were a mix of black, Hispanic, and
          person to another only depending on how attractive  white and there were 15 real judges in total. On average (mean),
          or  unattractive  he  is.  Statistically,  they  fined  criminals of low attractiveness were sentenced to 4.10 years in
          unattractive  criminals  304.88%  higher  than  prison  and  criminals  of  high  attractiveness  were  sentenced  to
          attractive criminals. Surprising I know!       1.87 years in prison. This equals a 119.25% increase.

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