Page 22 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

          In this regard, we cannot fail to mention that Tunisia faces  Accordingly,  it’s  possible  to  shed  light  on  the  international
          serious  challenges  to  implement  its  transformation  into  a  reactions  to  the  decisions  of  Kais  Saied,  where  the  global
          presidential  political  system  in  which  the  president  is  powers  adopted  a  cautious  approach  or  the  so-called  “wait
          directly elected by the people and enjoys his full powers (as  and  see”  until  now.  The  White  House  Press  Secretary  Jen
          is  the  case  in  the  United  States).  These  challenges  are  Psaki  said  the  United  States  was  "concerned,"  and  later  on
          represented in firstly the possibility of that the Brotherhood  Monday,  July  26,  2021,  US  Secretary  of  State  Anthony
          resort to violence and terrorist methods, and this is what the  Blinken spoke with Saied, and said in his statement thae he
          Libyan  leader  Salah  Al-Haddad,  a  defector  from  the  encouraged  the  latter  to  "commit  to  the  principles  of
          Brotherhood said, warning against continuous contacts and  democracy  and  human  rights"  in  Tunisia.  As  for  the  EU's
          meetings between the Tunisian Brotherhood and the militia  response, it was similarly vague, urging all parties to "restore
          leaders  in  Libya.  Thus,  it  is  expected  that  weapons  and  order and return to dialogue". As for Turkey, or rather, the
          militias will be smuggled to the borders of Tunisia, and we  ruling  Justice  and  Development  Party  allied  with  Ennahda,
          may witness in the coming days a painful scenario of armed  described the move as "illegitimate", and "those who inflict
          action and violence, as what happened in Libya since 2014.  this evil on our brothers and sisters, the people of Tunisia, are
          This challenge is exacerbated by the idea that the Tunisian  harming  their  country,"  the  Turkish  foreign  minister  added.
                                                              As for the Arab countries, there are some analysts who see
          army has historically no role in the political sphere and may Title (plse respect font)
          face difficulties in confronting these armed unconventional  Saied’s decisions as a reflection of clear support from anti-
          groups (compared to the Egyptian armed forces in Sinai).  Islamist and counterrevolutionary forces in the region, mainly
                                                              Saudi  Arabia  (especially  after  the  Saudi  Foreign  Minister’s
          Another challenge for the Tunisian leadership is to find, - in  visit  to  Carthage  Palace  on  July  31,  2021  to  confirm  the
          light of the current economic crisis, an alternative economic  Kingdom’s  support  for  Saeid’s  decisions)  and  the  UAE,  as
          partner  to  Qatar,  which  inherited  Tunisia's  economy  after  they  did  by  supporting  the  June  2013  revolution  and
          Ben  Ali,  with  the  help  of  the  Brotherhood,  through  the  Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi at the time.
          purchase of shares of Tunisian companies, banks, channels
          and newspapers, either directly or indirectly (by their clients
          from the Tunisian Brotherhood). This is what President Said  Finally,  in  light  of  the  feuding  protests  that  have  emerged
          declared  in  his  statements  that  a  large  number  of  officials  since last Monday and are making the situation more volatile,
          were  involved  in  “corruption  and  looting  of  the  Tunisian  we  can  first  ask  whether  it  is  possible  for  Saeid  and  the
          people's  resources”,  as  most  of  these  shares  were  sold  political  parties  to  de-escalate  tensions  and  negotiate  a  way
          through offers, and were not put on the stock exchange or  out of the crisis, as well as about the importance in this regard
          public auctions. This what makes the situation in Tunisia as  of the General Labor Union and other civil society actors to
          close  as  possible  to  the  situation  in  Lebanon,  whose  help broker a way out of this crisis? And secondly, is it really
          economy  is  also  an  arena  of    conflict  for  international  possible for Ennahda to make major concessions, change its
          influence (especially from Gulf and Iranian capital) without  leadership and accept a constitutional reform (as Said seeks)
          benefit in terms of investments and job opportunities.  and thus become a true Tunisian exception, or will it abandon
                                                              the  civil  space  it  cut  off  and  return  to  its  origins  and  turn
                                                              towards  a  violent  “militia”  reaction,  especially  with  its
                                                              leadership dominated by a hardline, radicalistic faction.


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