Page 17 - Issue 34
P. 17

ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

         Another  notable  participating  athlete  is  Tunisian  swimmer  which happened on the sixth day of
         Ahmed  El  Hefnawy  who  secured  the  first  African  and  Arab  the summer games after scoring two
         gold medal in this version of the Olympic games in the 100  phenomenal goals. It is also worth
         meter  freestyle  race.  Not  to  forget  the  achievement  of  Saudi  mentioning how ElAhly goalkeeper
         Arabian athlete Tarek Hamdi who one the silver medal in the  ElShenawy,  with  one  of  the  main  reasons  for  our
         karate  finals,  acquiring  Saudi  Arabia's  first  medal  since  the  qualification,especially  after  defending  a  deadly  goal  by  the
         2000  Olympic  Games.  Furthermore,  Norwegian  athlete  end of the game. This win didn’t last long as our team lost 1-0
         Kristian  Blummenfelt  surprises  everyone  by  vomiting  right  against Brazil in the quarterfinals, ending the team’s journey in
         after securing the gold medal at the men's triathlon race then  the Olympics.
         needing to leave in a wheelchair, from not being able to handle  As for the national handball team, they continued their series
         the  scorching  Tokyo  summer  heat.  Moreover,  Australian  of successes post World Cup by beating Portugal 37-31 in a
         swimmer  Emma  McKeon  collected  seven  medals  this  head-to-head game. But when it came to the most anticipated
         Olympics, four gold medals along with three bronze medals.  game  against  world  champions  Denmark,  our  national  team
         This version of the Olympic Games witnessed a strong Arab  lost  with  a  5-goals  difference,  despite  displaying  a  very
         participation with Tunisia winning a gold medal and a silver  prideful  performance,  especially  by  the  USAM  Nîmes  Gard
         medal, Morocco winning the golden medal in the Men's 3000  player Ahmed Hisham who is expected to have a very bright
         meters  steeplechase,  along  with  Bahrain's  silver  medal,  in  future. As for our legendary player Ahmed ElAhmar, who is
         addition to other notable achievements.              perceived  as  one  of  Egypt's  best  ever  players,  he  was
         From  early  leaves  to  gold  medals,  our  Egyptian  Olympic  announced the historical top scorer for the Egyptian national
         Delegation surely is a special one. Participating in a total of 27  team in the Olympics with a total of goals of 84, after leading
         competitions,  Egypt  has  written  history  with  its  biggest  the team to their second win by beating Japan 33-29 with him
         number  of  participants  yet  with  133  main  players  and  13  scoring a total of 8 goals in the game.
         backups.  By  the  last  day  of  the  Summer  Games,  Egypt  has
         achieved a total of 6 medals; 4 Bronze, 1 Silver and 1 Gold
         medal breaking the record for most won medals in its Olympic
         history since it first participated in 1928.
         Kicking  off  their  Olympic  journey,  the  U24  football  team
         alongside  3  additional  players,  led  by  Captain  Shawky
         Ghareeb,  tied  in  score  with  their  opponent,  Spain,  in  a  very
         anticipated match. Sports critics believed that such a result is
         perceived as a win for our Olympic team as Spain was a very
         challenging opponent.
         On  Sunday  25th,  the  second  match  took  place  against  the
         Argentine  with  a  title  of  "Missed  Opportunities".  Despite
         having  better  tactics  than  that  of  Spain's  match,  our  team
         displayed a very defensive performance leading to a 1-0 loss.  And  the  journey  goes  on  with  scoring  their  third  win  over
         However,  this  all  changed  after  Argentina  lost  to  Spain  in  a  Sweden  on  the  8th  day  of  the  Olympics  leading  to  their
         very  strong  match  leading  to  increasing  Egypt's  chances  in  qualification to the quarterfinals. On Thursday 5th of August,
         qualifying for the quarter finals in case of beating Australia,
                                                              our national team lost to France 27-23 and was set to face
                                                              Spain  on  the  following  Saturday  for  the  Bronze  medal,
                                                              however, luck was not on our side despite the very prideful
                                                              performance displayed by our handball champions. This put
                                                              us  in  the  top  4  Olympic  teams  making  it  one  of  the  best
                                                              achievements for Arab and African team games, while also
                                                              marking  the  end  of  ElAhmar's  international  career  as  top
                                                              Arab scorer in the Olympics history with 106 goals.

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