Page 20 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

                             the tunisian saga : a constitutional coup or a

                                        new system under constructuin?

                                                             Youssef Sharaf - 4th Level - Political Science
         More  than  10  years  after  its  revolution,  Tunisia  today  is  going he  organized  a  sit-in  outside  the  headquarters,  and  called  for
        through critical time, no less dangerous than the situation before “supporters  of  Ennahda  and  the  Tunisian  people  to  defend  the
        the incident of Mohamed Bouazizi’s self-immolation in December  revolution", which led to a somewhat intensified situation and a
        2010,  nor  the  political  crisis  that  came  after  the  killing  of  the  confrontation  between  hundreds  of  Ennahda  supporters  and
        leftist leader Mohamed Burhami in July 2013. In addition to years  supporters  of  the  president's  decisions  with  stones  and  bottles.
        of political paralysis, critical economic situation, decline in state  This opposition didn’t come from the Ennahda alone, but from
        services  and  high  unemployment,  with  the  fatally  high  rate  of
        infection with Covid-19 this summer and its catastrophic impact  other political parties: the Dignity Alliance (loyal to Ennahda),
        on  the  health  sector,  the  Tunisian  popular  anger  at  the  and  the  secular  parties,  Qalb  Tounes,  and  the  Democratic
        performance of the government and political parties has increased,  Current.
        particularly  from  the  Brotherhood's  Ennahda  party,  which  is
        considered the most successful party since 2011 and has formed  Despite  the  position  of  the  political  parties  condemning  Said's
        successive  government  coalitions  in  Tunisia.  In  light  of  this actions,  the  million-member  Tunisian  General  Labor  Union
        situation, and in an unprecedented step since the outbreak of the expressed  its  support  for  Said's  decisions  (with  fears  that  his
        Arab  Spring,  President  Kais  Saied  used  these  anti-government powers would be expanded more than 30 days), and there was no
        protests  to  decide  on  Sunday,  July  25,  2021  to  exceptionally opposition  (at  least  ostensibly)  from  the  army  and  the  police,
        consolidate  his  powers  and  take  full  control  of  the  executive  which  indicates  their  loyality  to  the  President  of  the  Republic,
        authority by dismissing Prime Minister Hisham Meishishi, as well  and that he will not back down any time soon from his decisions.
        as  ministers  of  Justice,  Defense,  and  Interior  Affairs,  and  also  Moving forward, the crisis is likely to escalate, with both sides
        suspended the powers of members of Parliament (which is divided  urging their supporters to take to the streets.
        among a large number of parties) for a period of 30 days.
        The legitimacy of Said's decisions depended on his reading, as a
        constitutional  law  professor,  of  Article  80  of  the  Tunisian  Although we may have understood the dimensions of the crisis,
        constitution which allows the president to seize power temporarily  it’s noteworthy that its roots extend beyond that, and that what is
        in emergency situations. However, the article also states that the  happening now between President Saeed and Parliament Speaker
        Parliament  Speaker  and  the  Prime  Minister  must  be  consulted  Ghannouchi  represents  only  the  latest  chapters  of  the  raging
        before  any  emergency  powers  are  invoked  and  that  Parliament conflict between them. In this regard, it’s not forgettable that the
        remain "in continuous session throughout this period" unfrozen. In clash between them is not on an ideological or religious basis, as
        this regard, Rashid Ghannouchi, Parliament speaker and leader of Kais Said has stricter religious positions than Ennahda. Rather,
        the Brotherhood’s Ennahda Party, considered Said’s steps to be a the rivalry stems primarily from competition over the formation
        “coup against the revolution and the constitution,” and therefore,  of  politics  in  Tunisia,  and  this  is  due  to  two  complementary
        after  being  banned  by  the  army  from  entering  the  parliament’s  reasons,  the  first  is  structural,  which  is  what  the  Tunisian
        headquarters on Monday, July 26, 2021,             constitution created in 2014.

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