Page 29 - Issue 34
P. 29

ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

                                      "and Consult them"

                                    mohamed elsawy- third level-economic
         The day of Badr is considered the first decisive       opinion indicated by the least knowledgeable
         battle  in  the  history  of  Islam  by  which  the   of  the  followers!  And  a  single  tongue  that
         Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon         speaks the right opinion does not hurt with it if
         him, wanted to recover what Quraysh had seized        all tongues say right and wrong, and differing

         from  the  money  of  the  Muhajireen  in  order  to  opinions  sometimes  and  convergence  at  other
         obstruct  and  vex  them,  So  the  Prophet  knew     times  to  reach  To  lead  one  with  one  hand,
         about  the  caravan  of  Quraish  coming  from  the   neither hampered nor shaken by the height of
         Levant and its leader Abu Sufyan, so he ordered       other hands.
         to go out to invade it, Abu Sufyan managed to         The leader’s keenness to introspect the visions
         escape  with  the  caravan  towards  the  coast  and  and  opinions  of  his  followers  is  a  great

         sent  to  the  Quraish  to  reassure  them,  but  Abu  addition to planning and leadership, because no
         Jahl  refused  to  do  anything  but  fight  the      matter  how  insightful  and  prudent  the  leader
         Muslims,  So  the  prophet  met  with  the  chief
         companions  to  consult  them  in  the  matter  of    may be, it is not necessary to hit all the goals,
         fighting the Quraish, and he said, peace be upon      but the exchange of experiences and opinions
         him, “Advise me, O people,” so they all pledged       is  closer  to  the  correct  aim,  However,
         allegiance  to  him  and  supported  him.  And  the   participation  and  expressing  an  opinion  is
         Messenger, pbuh, moved with the Muslim army           considered  an  instinct  within  the  soul,  just  as

         until he descended at the lowest water of Badr,       the  tribes  of  Mecca  were  almost  fighting  for
         so  Al-Habbab  bin  Al-Munzir,  may  God  be          the  honor  of  placing  the  Black  Stone  in  its
         pleased with him, got up and said: O Messenger        place. Perhaps what we have mentioned is an
         of God, did you see this position revealed to you     interpretation  of  the  Almighty’s  saying:  "  So
         by God? Or is it the opinion, war and intrigue?       pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and
         The  Messenger,  pbuh,  said:  “Rather,  it  is       consult them in the matter. And when you have
         opinion, war and intrigue!”, Al-Habbab said: O        decided,  then  rely  upon  Allah.  Indeed,  Allah

         Messenger of God, this is not a good position, so     loves  those  who  rely  [upon  Him]"  [Aal-i-
         rise  up  with  the  people  until  we  come  to  the  Imraan – 159], Therefore, the leaders should be
         lowest water of the people and take it down Then      keen on satisfying that instinct in the hearts of
         we  submerge  the  wells  behind  it,  then  build  a  the followers to bring out the best of what their
         basin over it and fill it with water, then we fight   hands  do,  Then  you  see  them  dedicating  the
         them,  so  we  drink  and  they  don’t,    Then  the  private good to the common good.
         prophet ,pbuh, accepted this opinion.                 However,  marginalization,  limitation  of  roles,
         Leadership is not the preserve of the flag-bearer     muzzling  of  mouths  and  blindfolding  of  the

         or  the  leader  of  the  front  alone,  but  the  right  eyes  are  all  forms  of  arrogance  and  tyranny
         leadership  is  imposed  on  the  leader  and  the    with  opinion,  and  restricting  leadership  and
         follower, but perhaps the battle  is led by an
                                                               improper control to the reins of affairs, even if
                                                               for the sake of the public interest, like
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