Page 33 - Issue 34
P. 33

ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

                                           "family restriction"

                                             Bilal Gamal ,fourth year, political science

         From time immemorial, marriage in family homes has been a  Because there must be a complete separation between the life
         widespread custom, and until this time we also find that there  of the family and the life of the spouses. To achieve this, he
         are many cases of marriage in family homes, and despite the  must reduce friction, and I do not mean by that estrangement,
         preference of many families for their son and his wife to stay  but  I  only  mean  that  the  spouses  have  their  own  lives.  The
         with them in the same house, this may entail many problems  fourth  problem:  a  lot  of  interference  in  fateful  decisions.  In
         that It may often lead to divorce and separation. Here are some  most  cases,  we  find  that  the  husband’s  family  controls  the
         of the most important problems that result from marriage in the  fateful decisions taken by the spouses, such as the decision to
         family  home:  The  first  problem:  the  lack  of  privacy,  in  most  have children, educate children or even the method of raising
         cases  everything  that  goes  on  between  the  spouses  of  children, and we also find that the wife’s family may interfere
         discussions, disagreements or others leaks very easily, and we  in  these  decisions.  Decisions  should  be  made  only  by  the
         find that the husband’s family is fully aware of the details of  spouses.  The  question  that  arises  here,  does  marriage  in  the
         the couple’s life, and this in turn may lead to the possibility of  family home represent stability or collapse? In fact, the answer
         resorting to separation between the spouses, in fact The matter  to this question is relative, Not all marriages in family homes
         is all the matters that go on between the spouses must be kept  are  doomed  to  failure.  If  the  spouses  can  avoid  all  these
         secrets that no one else knows about, a successful and happy  problems,  and  if  the  husband’s  family  understands  that  the
         life  is  between  two  parties  only,  there  is  no  room  for  the  spouses must have a measure of personal space, then marriage
         intervention of a third party, whether this party is the husband’s  in the family home will be a stable marriage, but if this is not
         family or even the wife’s family.                    achieved, a large percentage may not This marriage continues
         The second problem: lack of independence, in many cases we  and  is  doomed  to  failure,  unless  the  spouses  adapt  to  the
         find that the husband’s family controls the couple’s life in an  situation. "A message to the families of husbands and wives as
         exaggerated way, so we find them controlling the dates of entry  well " In fact, husbands’ and wives families must be committed
         and exit of the spouses and the dates of eating, and they also  to treating both spouses as Treat them responsible people. They
         control  the  necessity  of  having  their  son  and  wife  with  them  should not interfere in their lives in any way, even in the event
         every  night,  unaware  that  marriage  means  formation  A  new  of  disagreements  between  them.  These  interventions  may
         home and a new life must be independent.             deepen  differences  not  solve  it,  and  their  lives  should  not  be
         The third problem: a lot of friction, as it is said that a lot of  controlled,  and  family  restrictions  should  not  be  placed.  It
         friction may generate an explosion, as a lot of friction between  prevents  them  from  independence,  and  the  spouses  must  be
         the  family  of  the  husband  and  the  spouses  leads  to  the  helped to create an atmosphere of independence that provides
         occurrence  of  many  problems,  and  most  of  these  problems  them with a calm and stable life. Just as marriage takes place
         occur between the husband’s family and their daughter-in-law,  between two parties, the lives of these two parties must be led
         and here the husband falls into the biggest predicament, so he  by  the  two  parties  themselves,  with  no  room  for  the
         begins to wonder if I satisfy my family Or please my wife! In  intervention of a third party.
         fact,  this  question  is  incorrect  and  may  have  many
         consequences, and this comparison is not acceptable,

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