Page 30 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

         Pharaoh said: I only show you what I see and I         and from here we derive
         only guide you to the path of guidance, and add        abundant aspects under
         that  what  we  have  mentioned  disciplines  the      which there are abundant

         followers On dependence, recklessness,                  concepts;  If  we  come  to  the  concept  of
         Allah says: "So pardon them and ask forgiveness       counseling in care and education, we will find
         for  them  and  consult  them  in  the  matter.  And  it as a main concept, from which we can draw
         when  you  have  decided,  then  rely  upon  Allah.   an ideal face in which the direction, education

         Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]"        and  management  of  the  subjects  would  be
         [Aal-i-Imraan  –  159],  Therefore,  the  leaders     improved  with  a  reasonable  and  disciplined
         should  be  keen  on  satisfying  that  instinct  in  the  degree of freedom, If we say that the wife and
         hearts  of  the  followers  to  bring  out  the  best  of  children  are  obligated  to  blindly  obey  the

         what  their  hands  do,  Then  you  see  them         master of the house, there is no dialogue in it,
         dedicating the private good to the common good.       then this may be accompanied by more hidden
         However,  marginalization,  limitation  of  roles,    disobedience than outward obedience,
         muzzling of mouths and blindfolding of the eyes

         are  all  forms  of  arrogance  and  tyranny  with      so  advice  does  not  deviate  from  proper
         opinion,  and  restricting  leadership  and  improper  guidance  and  disciplined  obedience.  And  be
         control to the reins of affairs, even if for the sake  good,  and  never  exclude  their  advice  and
         of  the  public  interest,  like  Pharaoh  said:  I  only  guidance, as they may see what you do not see

         show you what I see and I only guide you to the       and  know  what  you  do  not  know.  Abraham,
         path  of  guidance,  and  add  that  what  we  have   peace  be  upon  him,  called  his  father  to
         mentioned     disciplines    the   followers     On   abandon  idols  and  worship  God,  and  God
         dependence,  recklessness  and  loses  their  insight  preferred Solomon’s ruling over the rule of his

         and stirs up grudges in their souls, so you see one   father, peace be upon them, and Ibn Omar bin
         of  them  striking  the  blow  even  if  it  hits  the  air,  Abdulaziz  advised  his  father:  “What  if  God
         and walking on the road even if it is a mistake and   asks  you?”  About  an  innovation  that  you  did
         aware of his mistake, following and surrendering      not kill or a Sunnah that you did not revive.”

         to the guidance of his leader.                        However,  perhaps  you  make  a  decision  that
         However,  the  matter  is  not  only  a  leader  and  will  cause  hardship  or  destabilization  for  the
         followers  in  battles,  but  in  the  house,  the  street,  people of the household, then you must consult
         work, accidents, However, the matter is not only a    them  first,  even  if  the  matter  is  in  their  best
         leader and followers in battles, but in the house, the  interest, and that if the human soul is forced to

         street, work, accidents and emergencies, and every    do its good, its evil will be reversed.
         matter  that  you  see  as  knowledgeable,  he
         voluntarily  led  it.  As  for  compulsion,  leadership
         lies in all its aspects in the concept of the shepherd
         and the flock,

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