Page 31 - Issue 34
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ELITE                         Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021
                                             Vol.1, issue 34, August 2021

                                                 moral dilemmas

                                                                            forat hatem

          Do you recall a time when you were torn between       Epistemic  dilemmas  and  ontological
          two  equally  unfavorable  options?  Like  lying  and  dilemmas:  The  most  basic  type  of  moral
          losing  someone's  trust,  or  telling  the  truth  and  dilemma is an epistemic moral dilemma, which
          hurting  their  feelings.  This  is  referred  to  as  a  occurs when two or more moral requirements
          dilemma.  When  a  dilemma  has  ethical  or  moral   contradict one another and the moral agent is
          implications, it is referred to as an ethical or moral  unsure  which  of  the  conflicting  moral
          dilemma.  Those  moral  dilemmas  occur  when  a      requirements  takes  precedence.  To  put  it
          decision maker (also known as a “moral agent” in      another way, the moral agent in this situation

          ethics) must weigh two or more moral ideals but       has no idea which option is ethically correct or
          can  only  honor  one  of  them.  As  a  result,  the  incorrect. Before making an informed decision,
          individual will breach at least one important moral   they  require  more  information  about  the  two
          concern.                                              options.
          According  to  ethicist  Karen  Allen,  to  be        Ontological dilemmas are nearly the opposite
          considered  a  moral  dilemma,  three  conditions     of epistemic one, it involves situations in which
          must  be  met.  The  first  is  that  the  moral  agent  two or more moral requirements are in conflict
          must decide which course of action is best. The       with  one  another,  but  neither  is  overriding.
          second requirement for an ethical dilemma is that     They  are  fundamentally  ethically  equivalent.
          different  courses  of  action  must  be  available  to  As  a  result,  the  moral  agent  is  unable  to
          choose  from.  Third,  regardless  of  the  course  of  choose between the two options.
          action taken in an ethical dilemma, some ethical      self-imposed        and      world-imposed
          standard is violated. To put it another way, there    dilemmas:  A  self-imposed  dilemma  is  a
          is no such thing as a perfect solution.               situation  that  has  been  caused  by  the

          There  are  several  types  of  moral  dilemmas,  but  individual’s  mistakes  or  misconduct.  The
          the  most  common  of  them  are  categorized  into   moral dilemma is self-inflicted. This can cause
          the  following:  1)  epistemic  and  ontological      a number of complications when attempting to
          dilemmas,  2)  self-imposed  and  world-imposed       make a decision.
          dilemmas, 3) obligation dilemmas and prohibition
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