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ELITE                                             ISSUE 13, November 2019                                                    Page 9


     What is your assessment of the economic reform pr  ogram in the
                                                               The  indirect   subsidies   do   not  necessarily   reach   those   who  are  eligible
   past five years? The economic reform in Egypt did n  ot go beyond
                                                             for   it.   On   the   other   hand,   financial   or   direct   subsidy  contributes   to   the
   the  flotation  of  the  Egyptian  pound   and  the  removal    of  subsidies.
                                                             workings   of   the   multiplier   effect.   For   instance   the   10   LE   going   in   the
   I   even   wrote   once   about   the   myth   of   a   completed   eco  nomic
                                                             form   of   direct   subsidy   will   circulate   in   the   economy   and   therefore
   reform  in  reply  to  a   statement  that  said  that  the  r  eform  was  done.
                                                             multiplies  unlike  the  10   LE  going  for  petroleum  subsidies  which   en  d  at
   What   makes   such   a   statement   unreasonable   is   the   fac  t   that   no
                                                             that   point   and   has   no   further   effect.   Wouldn  ’t   the   move   to   financial
   economic   reform   is   ever   completely   finished.   It   is   a   continuous  subsidy increase inflation rates? Yes, surely. However, the effect would
   process; there are always obstacles for investments  .    be   minute   in   comparison   to   the   benefits   and   its   influence   in   the
                                                             satisfaction of the people.
    What   makes   it  even   more   evident  that   the   economic   reform  is
  not   finished   is   the   fact   that   both   the   GDP   and   pove  rty   rates
                                                               Do   you   see   a   relation   between   the   economy   and   the   form   of   the
  increased   simultaneously.   This   indicates   the   presen  ce   of   a
                                                            political  regime?   Definitely,  the   political  system  in  Egypt   is  taking  over
  deficiency   in   and   the   inability   to   gain   the   benefit  s   of   the
                                                            a   administrative   role   and   it  is  well  known  that  the  state   is  an  inefficient
  achieved   growth.   What   is   important   is   not   merely   th  e   increase
                                                            administrator   but   it   should   monitor   and   regulate   the  markets   only.   The
  in   the   GDP   but   rather   the   components   of   this   increa  se.   For
                                                            intervention  of  the  state  in   economic   projects  is   a   negative  indicator.  It
  instance,   to   trace   whether   such   an   increase   benefit  ed   only   the
                                                            takes   part   in   the   competition   and   crowds   out   other   competitors   that   is
  state   and   the  real  state   sector   but  did  not   reach  t  he  workers.   As
                                                            why the economic identity in Egypt is mutated and no one knows which
  such, we are interested in development not only gro  wth.
                                                            economic system we belong to.
  What is your opinion regarding the removal of subsidies?  Price
                                                            Do   you   think   the   current   political   events   influence   the   econom  ic
  differentiation   is   no   longer   viable   all   around   the   world.
                                                            performance?   Yes,   it   does.   Nonetheless,   it  may   as   well   be   a     blessing   in
  Therefore,   we   must   keep   in   mind   the   difference   between
                                                            disguise.   What   happened  directed   the   attention   of   the   Presiden  t  towards
  indirect   product   subsidies   and   direct   cash   subsidies.   The
                                                            the   necessity   for   ministerial   change.   I   hope   that   the   upcoming   ca  binets
  indirect   subsidies   do   not   necessarily   reach   those   who   are
                                                            would  have   the  economic  feature,   a   cabinet  with   an   economic    vision  not
  eligible   for   it.   On   the   other   hand,   financial   or   direct   subsidy
                                                            a   merely  architectural   one.  We   have   in   Egypt   many   economic   e  xpertise
  contributes to the workings of the multiplier effect. For instance
                                                            and  great  minds   such  as;   Neamat   Shafik,   Mohamed   Mohye   Al  Din  ,   and
  the   10  LE   going   in   the   form   of   direct  subsidy   will  circulate   in
                                                            Rania Al Mashat among others that must be benefited from
  the   economy   and   therefore   multiplies   unlike   the   10   LE   going
  for   petroleum   subsidies   which   end   at   that   point   and   has   no
  further effect.
                                                                  You   have  witnessed   more   than   one   political   regime,   in   your   op  inion,
                                                            what   kind   of   regime   is   best   suited   for   Egypt  ’s   current   situation?     I   see
     What   is   your   opinion   regarding   the   removal   of   subsidies?
                                                            that   the   best   regime   is   one   where   the   military   is   responsible     for
  Price   differentiation   is   no   longer   viable   all   around   the
                                                            protecting the state .
  world.Therefore, we must keep in mind the difference between
  indirect product subsidies and direct cash subsidies.

                 ELITE                                             ISSUE 13, November 2019                                                    Page 9
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