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ELITE                                             ISSUE 13, November 2019                                                    Page 12



     ThiF eFFay FhedF light on the nexuF between a@t and politicF in
     Egypt Fince 1952. In that yea@, a junta of young office@F Feized
     powe@  and  Fought  to  topple  the  ancien  @egime.  In  thei@
     endeavo@ to d@aw the contou@F of New Egypt, a@t waF one of
     thei@ main toolF. The Revolution enticed whole gene@ationF of
     a@tiFtF  to  deFc@ibe,  evaluate  and  c@iticize  the  achievementF
     and the debacleF of the New E@a.                                   RAMEZ IBRAHIM
     To  the  beFt  of  my  knowledge,  thoughtF  about  the  dialectF
     between  a@t  and  PoliticF  date  back  to  Plato.  ThiF  g@eat      Political Science Assistant Lecturer
     philoFophe@  a@gued  fo@  impoFing  Ft@ict  cenFo@Fhip  ove@
     a@tiFtic p@oductionF, notably poet@y and theat@e. Ma@x, On the
     othe@  hand,  Faw  a@t  aF  the  8Fupe@Ft@uctu@e  of  the  p@evailing  ThankF  to  @ecent  advanceF  in  communication,  the
     patte@n of p@oduction8. ThuF the concept of bou@geoiF a@t waF  Ftudy  of  the  nexuF  between  a@t  and  politicF  became
     coined  to  deFc@ibe  a  Ftate  whe@e  the  maFFeF  awa@eneFF  iF  mo@e  enjoyable,  owing  to  the  huge  volumeF  of
     8Ftolen8 in o@de@ to pe@petuate thei@ infe@io@ economic FtatuF.  available  viFual  data.  ThiF  data  enable  academicF  to
       The  @evolution,  p@ope@ly  unde@Ftood,  iF  a  FucceFFful  t@ace, deconFt@uct and compa@e a@tiFtic p@oductF.
     @eenginee@ing of the economic, Focial and political Fphe@eF. ItF
     effectF a@e immenFe and penet@ateF eve@y co@ne@ of the Fociety,   Gone a@e the dayF when the audience iF conFide@ed
     even  people?F  inne@  feelingF  and  thei@  FelfNimage.  Eve@y  paFFive object. The oldNfaFhioned magicNbullet theo@y
     @evolution haF itF a@tiFtic 8@epe@toi@e8, to bo@@ow the te@m amply  igno@ed the pe@ceptive @ole of the @eceive@ in @efining,
     uFed by Cha@leF Tilly.                                    c@iticizing,  and  even  igno@ing  media  meFFageF.  The

     By the advent of 1952, Egypt witneFFed, fo@ the thi@d time in itF  @eFpect and high eFteem inFtitutionF Fuch aF the A@my
     mode@n hiFto@y, a pa@allel @evolution. Acco@ding to Ziad Fahmy,  and  alNAzha@  enjoy  among  o@dina@y  EgyptianF  now
     the autho@ of O@dina@y EgyptianF: C@eating the Mode@n Nation  point  to  the  influence  of  @eality  on  pe@ception.  ThiF
     th@ough  Popula@  Cultu@e  (2011)J  EgyptianF  uFed  FongF,  jokeF,  image  iF  in  tu@n  magnified  and  Ft@eFFed  by  maFF
     comedic FketcheF and poet@y to @eFiFt the B@itiFh colonize@ and  media.
     exp@eFF a g@owing FenFe of national identity. Simila@ly, cinema,
     ca@icatu@e,  and  theat@e  exp@eFFed,  @efined,  and  even  c@iticized  Common  wiFdom  @emindF  uF  that  people  find
     the Ftated goalF of the 23@d July Revolution.            difficulty in digeFting the whole meFFage in one Fhot.
                                                              ThiF  difficulty  iF  compounded  by  the  pFychological
    While  Yacup  Sanu(  Abu  Nadda@a),  Sayed  Da@wiFh,  and
    Naguib  elN  Rihany,  among  othe@F,  emphatically  exp@eFFed  Ftate of the audience du@ing timeF of high Ft@eFF and
    the  Fo@@owF  and  joyF  of  EgyptianF  f@om  1900  up  to  the  g@eat unce@tainty. In my opinion, eventF Fu@@ounding
    1950FJ the wo@kF of Salah Jahin, Salah abuNSeif and Naguib  23 July @evolution and the victo@y of 6 Octobe@ 19K3
    Mahfouz we@e t@ue manifeFtationF of the mode@n context in  deFe@ve  mo@e  @igo@  FtudieF  by  academicF  of  popula@
    which they lived. ThiF context waF gene@ally cha@acte@ized  cultu@e  and  public  opinionJ  in  o@de@  to  Fee  how  the
    by f@ee delibe@ation of ideaF and yea@ning fo@ the valueF of  media 8negotiated the meaning8 of theFe g@eat eventF
    e5uity and national independence.                         and how the audience @eceived the intended meFFage.
    Being legitimate FonF of the Revolution, the wo@kF of thoFe
    able  autho@F  exp@eFFed  the  political  d@ama  Egypt
    witneFFed  fo@m  the  1950F  onwa@dF.  MainFt@eam  popula@
    cultu@e  a@gued  fo@,  and  managed  to  change  people?F
    pe@ception about gende@ e5uality, @eligiouF tole@ance, and
    the baFiF of claFF Ft@atification.

            ELITE                                             ISSUE 13, November 2019                                                    Page 12
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