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ELITE                                   ISSUE 13 , November 2019                            Page 13

                                          Cente@ fo@ Economic ReFea@ch and StudieF o@ganizeF a
        in the presence of MR.              public lectu@e about FuFtainability of fi@mF and it?F

           Hisham TAwfik                              @elation to FuFtainable development
          minster of public

        Business Sector and

       Mr Mohamed Farid the

       chairman of Egyptian

       stock   exchange and

        the dean of FEPS Dr.

          Mahmoud El Said

                                           Covered by: Dina Ehab

                                           Under the auspices of the head of Cairo University Professor Mohamed Osman Elkhosht and
                                           the dean of our Faculty and the head of center of economic and financial research and studies
                                           Professor Mahmoud Elsaid, a session was held with title “firm’s sustainability and its relation
                                           with  sustainable  development.  Our  guests  were  Minister  Hisham  Tawfik  minster  of  public
                                           work and Mr Mohamed Farid the chairman of Egyptian stock exchange. Dr Nagwa Samak the
                                           head of Economic department and Dr Ahmed Belal the economic expert. And the moderator
                                           of the session was Dr Adla Ragab.
                                           The session started by welcoming the quests and then the guests started to say their words
                                           to express their pleasure to be part of that session. And a sort of welcoming our guests the
                                           faculty gave the minister our faculty honorary shield to honor him after finishing his words
                                           The minster started his words by thanking all who prepared the session and then he talked
                                           about the public work and the history of the firms in the public sector mentioning that the
                                           public sector is not that big compared to others. He mentioned that there are 120 firm belong
                                           to the public sector and 107 firm belong to other minsters. To reach “firms’ sustainability we
                                           should focus on three aspects: the first one is about restructuring the firms as there were 48
                                           loser  firm  because  of  the  administration,  and  then  they  did  SWOT  analysis  and  hence  the
                                           could reach solutions for 26 firm. The second aspect is providing the required fund; and they
                                           changed the uses of the lands and they are waiting for licenses to sell them in auctions to the
                                           private sector for developing the lands. And the third is developing the system of work and its
                                           administration  as  they  discovered  that  the  cost  accounting  was  very  low  because  the
                                           monitoring body didn’t put in its consideration the cost accounting. So the gave courses to
                                           the heads and mangers of 120 firm and 8 holding companies in accounting. Also marketing
                                           was  low  in  the  public  sector,  so  they  established  a  marketing  center  in  the  8  holding
                                           companies. Also they are doing assessment to the top managers and classify them, and they
                                           do 360 assessments to the executive council.
                                           Dr  Samiha  Fawzy  and  Dr  Alia  Elmahdi  who  are  professors  in  our  faculty,  they  wanted  to
                                           participate in the discussion and directed some questions to the minster and Mr. Mohamed
                                           Farid and they both responded to the questions.
                                           Then Dr Nagwa Samk said her words, and they were answers about some questions like what
                                           is firms’ sustainability? And what is its importance and disclosure about? What does social
                                           responsibility mean? what are the international initiatives which have interest in this topic?
                                           And  MR.  Mohamed  Farid  commented  by  saying  that  disclosure  about  sustainability  is  a
                                           volunteering act and there are no international criteria about it.
                                           On the other side Dr Ahmed Belal the economic expert and the founder of Dcarbon, his words
                                           were  about  what  is  sustainability?  And  why  are  sustainable  reports  done  on  the  firm  level
                                           and  country  level?  And  what  does  the  word  of  sustainable  reports  mean?  How  are  the
                                           sustainable reports done?
                                           And the session ended after Mr. Ahmed Belal words and the thanking of the guests, speakers
                                           and attendees.

        ELITE                                      Issue 13, November 2019                              Page 13
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