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ELITE                                                       ISSUE 13, NOVEMBER 2019                                                    PAGE 16

                F E P S   C E L E B R A T E S   E L I T E ' S   1 S T

  By- Nermeen Tawfik                    A N N I V E R S A R Y

                                                             After   that,   ELITE's   guests   spoke,   Ambassador   Mohamed   Al   Oraby
   Elite magazine, the media platform for the Faculty of Economics and
                                                             spoke about his interview with ELITE's team members adding that this
   Political   Science,   celebrated   a   year   after   its   launch,   with   the
                                                             experience added energy to the Faculty, Hoping for the continuation of
   attendance   of  Dr/   Mahmoud   Al  Saied   the   Dean  of   the   Faculty,   Dr/
                                                             success for the magazine.
   Hanan Mohammed Ali the Vice Dean for students' affairs, A number
                                                             Then,   the   well-known   Journalist   and   the   President's   Advisor,   Ahmed
   of  the  Faculty's   Professors  as  well   as  the   magazine's  editorial   board,
                                                             Al   Moslemany,   Said   that   he   is      proud   of   being   a   graduate   to   this
   in   addition   to   a   selection   from   Public   Figures.   Such   as,   the
                                                             Faculty   which   he   always   refers   to   as   ''Egypt's   Harvard",   And   that   he
   Ambassador,   Ex-Minister   of   Foreign   affairs,   and   Member   of
                                                             sees   ELITE   magazine  as   a   model  for  elegant  Journalist  writing  with  a
   Parliament   (Mohamed   Al   Oraby),   Journalist   and   Ex-advisor   of   the
                                                             high   Academic   background,   And   that   it   is   an   important   addition   for
   president   (Ahmed   Al   Moslemany),   The   young   member   of
                                                             this great Faculty.
   Parliament  (Ahmed   Zaidan),  Journalist  and  Plays'  writer,  Vice  Chief

   editor   of  Al  Ezaa   w  Al  Television  (Ayman   Al   Hakim),  Ex-assistant
                                                            Dr.   Nazli   Moawad,   Professor   of   Political   Science  at     the  Faculty,
   of   the   Minister   of   Foreign   Affairs   (Jailan   Allam),   Professor   of
                                                            States  that   the  experience  of  this  Faculty  is  a  uni  que  one  in  Egypt
   Political   Science   who   carries   the   Medal   of   Honor   from   the   French
                                                            since   its   establishment;   Because   it   was   based   on   th  e   idea   of
   Republic (Prof.Dr. Nazli Moawad).
                                                            patriotism,   And   that   Elite   Magazine   gains   the   fruit  s   of   this
   At   the  beginning,   Ramy  Magdy,   The  Chief  Editor   and  the  Assistant
   Professor  of  Political  Science,  Spoke  about  the  idea  of  the  Magazine  Faculty,   As   it   connects   the   students   with   their   Pro  fessors   and
   which  was  launched  since  a   year  on  a  monthly  basis,  Pointing  out  to
   the   main   goal  of   the   Magazine   as  to  be   a   linking  point   between   the
                                                            Youngest   Member   of   Parliament   and   the   Faculty   Gradu  ate
   Faculty's students and their Professors. Also, to be a bridge that links
                                                            Ahmed   Zidan   stated   that   he   is   happy   to   meet   ELITE's   members
   the faculty's students and its special graduates in every field.
                                                            during the interview, pointing out to the importanc  e of simulation
   He  also  added  that   the  success  of  this  experience  which   grabbed  the
                                                            models urging students to participate in it.
   eyes   towards   it   was   due   to   the   fact   that   its   member   work   without
                                                            Journalist   Ayman   Al   Hakim,   who   wrote   an   article   abo  ur   ELIT's
   obligations.  However,  what  makes  them   work  is  their  love  and  pride
                                                            experience   in   Al   Ezaa   w   Al   Television   Journal,   Addi  ng   that   we
   with this experience which gave them the opportunity to learn the art
   of  writing,  not   only   this   but  also   to   be  connected  to  reality.   He  also
                                                            are   now   in   front   of   a   very   important   experience   tha  t   combines
   thanked   the   Dean   of   the   Faculty   who  permitted   the  opportunity   for
                                                            both  media  attractiveness   and  sober  academy,  And  th  at   it  have  to
   the   establishment  of   the  Magazine,   Dr.   Hannan   Mohammed  Ali   the
                                                            penetrate   the   University's   borders   to   reach   all   the     youth   to   help
   God   Mother   of   ELITE   Magazine,   Everyone   who   wrote   for   the
                                                            them increase their Political awareness.
   Magazine   from   the   teaching   stuff   and   students,   And   to   the   guests
                                                            Silvana   Sobhy   the   Statistic   Assistant   Professor   and     Student
   who graduated from the Faculty and held high positions.
                                                            Fareeda   Khalifa  the  Deputy  Chief  Editor,  Gave  the   s  peech  of   the

  As   for  Dr.  Mazen   Hassan   the  member   of  the  editorial   board  and  the
                                                            Editorial   board.   Silvana   said   that   the   Magazine   gav  e   the
  Assistant   Professor   in   the   Faculty,   He   said   that   he   is   proud   of   the
                                                            opportunity   for   the   students   to   work   as   Editors   and     Translators
  success   of  this   experience,   He  also  stated  that  he   feels   jealous  when
                                                            and  that  it  was  a  platform  for   them   to  express  thei  r  opionions,  As
  he   reads   the   Magazine's   issues,   When   he   reads   interviews   with
                                                            for   Fareeda,   She  stated   that  this  experience  was  a   value  added  for
  important people, and when he listens to admiration words about the
                                                            her as well as for colleagues.
  Magazine  from   students,  Hoping  for   the   continuation   of  success   for
                                                            Dr. Sami Al Sayed the Economic Professor at the Fac  ulty pointed
  all of its editors.
                                                            out   that   ELITE   contributed   to   the   connection   betwee  n   the
  The,  Dr.  Hannan  Mohammed   Ali  spoke  pointing  out  to  the  fact  that
                                                            Students   and  the   Professors,  and   that   it   witnessed   a   great   amount
  this   magazine   was   launched   to   be   a   platform   for   the   Students,
                                                            of effort from the editorial board which adds to th  e Faculty.
  Professors,   Graduates   of   the   faculty   such   as   Ministers,   Advisors,
                                                            Dr.   Omnia   Helmy   the   Vice   Dean   for   post-graduate   stu  dies   and
  And   Members   of   Parliament   who   were   all   stars   on   the   pages   of
                                                            researches,   added   that   this   Magazine   which   is   publi  shed   in   both
  ELITE,   She   also   thanked   each   and   every   one   who   wrote   for   the
                                                            Arabic   and   English   languages   contributes   to   the   con  nection
  magazine, Thanking its working team.
  From   his   side,   Dr.   Mahmoud   Al   Saied   thanked   all   the   attendees,  between   generations   and   it   achieved   an   opportunity   in   all   field,
  Adding   that  we   are   celebrating   a   year  of   ELITE's   experience   which
                                                            Hoping for success for all of its members.
  was   able   to   be   a   strong   media   platform   despite   the   scarcity   of   its
                                                            And  finally,  at  the  end,  Attendees  took  commemorati  ve   photos  in
  resources,   And   it   was   also   able   to   explore   huge   talents   in   the
                                                            an atmosphere of happiness with this event.
  Faculty's  students,  As  it  is  a  model  for  constructive  media,  Then,  He

  announced   a   surprise   which   is   that   the   new   year   will   witness   a
  printed   copy   of   the   magazine   in   addition   to   its   existing   electronic  Translation : Habiba
  copy.                                                                                         Diaaeldin
     ELITE                                                       ISSUE 13, NOVEMBER 2019                                                    PAGE 16
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