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                                          Issue 13, November 2019
                                                                                                        Page 11



                                 Political Science Teaching  Assistant
                        By: Engy Khaled Ahmed Salah El-Din

    Political  Fcience  iF  Fpecialized  in  the  8Political  autho@ity8  and  Fo@  Zevnik,  the  @evolutiona@ieF  in  Tiananmen  F5ua@e,  afte@
    eve@ything  that  belongF  to  it:  5ueFtioning  it,  unde@Ftanding  itF  leading ba@e liveF, have t@anFfo@med into making an 8act8 which iF
    @ootF  aF  well  aF  knowing  fo@mF  of  itF  @eFiFtance  if  neceFFa@y.  8going down into the F5ua@e8 in o@de@ to @each an 8event8 which
    China  haF  long  known  ext@emely  autho@ita@ian  @egimeF  which  8@egime  change8.  And  they  have  t@ied  to  b@eak  all  the  chainF
    ba@ely gave any Fpace of f@eedom. If it we@e not fo@ the 8Titanium  which  tie  them  f@om  the  @uling  @egime  (paFFage  a  l?acte).  They
    F5ua@e8  incident  in  1989,  the@e  would  not  be  any  @eco@d  of  the  we@e conve@ted into the 8whateve@ being8 aF they have @uined all
    ChineFe attemptF fo@ @eFiFtance in hiFto@y. DeFpite itF failu@e and  the  Focial  bondF  among  them  and  nothing  laFted  except  thei@
    itF end of a hila@iouF numbe@ of victimF (aF a conFe5uence of the  demand  fo@  Fome  Ftaff  which  Nif  @ealizedN  would  lead  into  the
    @egime?F  fo@ceF?  Fwept  into  the  F5ua@e  and  diFpe@Fing  the  @egime?F  collapFe.  That  iF  becauFe  demandF  fo@  f@eedom,
    @evolutiona@ieF), thiF incident iF Ftill conFide@ed by Fome political  democ@acy  and  nonNco@@uption  we@e    cont@adicto@y  to  the
    thinke@F (Fuch aF And@eja Zevnik) to be the fundamental figu@e  fundamentalF of the @egime completely. With the @egime?F neglect
    fo@ @eFiFtance.                                           to  them,  the  ba@e  live  inc@eaFed,  they  changed  mo@e  into  the
    In  hiF  analyFiF  to  the  moFt  co@@ect  fo@m  fo@  @eFiFtance,  he  whateve@  beingF  and  the  intenFity  of  thei@  bondF  to  each  othe@
    bo@@owed  8Giogi@o  Agamben8  theo@y  of  8Ba@e  life8  and  Jac5ueF  and to the @egime waned even mo@e.
    Laccan  theo@y  of  the  8Whateve@  politicF8  and  the  8whateve@
                                                              Conce@ning  the  @eaFon  fo@  the  failu@e  of  the  demonFt@ationF  in
    being8.  Acco@ding  to  Agamben,  thoFe  who  have  the  capacity  fo@
    @eFiFting the Fove@eignty and the @egime Fhould have ba@e liveF  Tiananmen  in  Fpite  of  being  Nacco@ding  to  ZevnikN  the  moFt
                                                              Fuitable  model  fo@  Agamben  and  Laccan?F  theo@ieF  about
    (liveF that a@e not cove@ed with any political o@ legal p@otection).
    It iF the 8incluFive excluFion8. They a@e excluded f@om the political  @eFiFtance,  that  iF  becauFe  the  ChineFe  @uling  @egime  waF
                                                              dogmatic enough to not ca@e about the @evolutiona@ieF but about
    life and they have no political o@ legal p@otection. But at the Fame
    time, they a@e included becauFe they a@e the p@oduct of the powe@  itF Ftability. It did not face any ha@dFhipF in uFing the devaFtating
    of  the  political  Fove@eignty  which  haF  juFt  excluded  them.  Ba@e  violence  and  milita@y  inte@vention  in  the  F5ua@e.  He@e,  with  all
    life  iF  apolitical  life  without  any  powe@  and  cannot  poFe  any  thiF d@aFtic violence, thoFe who @eFiFted have died. On the othe@
    th@eat to the @unning @egime. AF a @eFult fo@ the abuFeF which the  hand, thoFe who did not die, @etu@ned to be attached d@amatically
    ChineFe people @eceived in thei@ libe@ty, they got into the F5ua@e  to the @uling @egime again and to cove@ thei@ ba@e life with the
    in  a  call  fo@  Fome  democ@acy  and  f@eedom  f@om  the  Ruling  veFtu@e  of  the  @egime.  AF  mentioned  in  Zevnik?F  a@ticle,  8In  the
    ChineFe  pa@ty.  In  Agamben?F  theo@y  fo@  ba@e  life,  they  became  dayF  and  weekF  following  the  c@ackdown,  the  CCP  the  ChineFe
    ba@e  when  the  gove@nment  excluded  them  and  took  off  the  CommuniFt  Pa@tyN  @egained  itF  political  powe@  and  appea@ed
    political and legal p@otection f@om them while conFide@ing them  Ft@onge@ than befo@e8 .
    the enemieF of the Ftate.                                 So, @eFiFtance iF one of the fo@mF of the deFi@e fo@ changing the
    In  o@de@  fo@  the  @eFiFtance  to  be  @igo@ouF,  Laccan  FeeF  the  ongoing  @egime.  But  it  iF  not  a  chaotic  event,  but  o@ganized

    @evolutiona@ieF  Fhould  make  an  8act8  to  @each  the  8event8  NthiF  p@oceFF Fta@ting f@om the ba@e life and conve@ting into apolitical
    event  iF  the  focal  point  in  hiFto@y  which  would  lead  into  the  being  that  doeF  not  Fubjugate  to  the  political  o@  the  legal
    collapFe  of  a  Fpecific  @egime  and  the  conFt@uction  of  anothe@N.  p@otection of the @egime. It endF with the 8Act8, the 8event8, the
    AlFo,  the@e  iF  the  8paFFage  a  l?acte8  which  iF  the  p@oceFF  of  the  8paFFage a l?acte8 and the demand of what the @egime cannot bea@
    individual?F t@anFition f@om the poFition of being exiFtent within
    the  cu@@ent  @egime,  into  being  libe@ated  f@om  all  the  lineF  in  o@de@  to  let  it  fall.  But  the  continuouF  5ueFtion  afte@  the
    impoFed  upon  him.  With  the  FucceFF  of  thiF  p@oceFF,  the  Titanium  F5ua@e  iF:  WaF  the  ChineFe  @egime  dogmatic  enough
    8whateve@ being8 iF c@eated. ThiF being iF the man who iF able to  that  even  thiF  p@ofeFFional  image  of  @eFiFtance  waF  not  uFeful
    cut off the linkF to hiF identity and tea@ up all the Focial bondF  with it6 O@ WaF not thiF model of @eFiFtance Ft@ong enough and
    which  link  him  to  othe@F.  ReFiFtance  iF  then  the  8demand  of  the@e  iF  an  anothe@  thing  that  haF  to  be  added  in  o@de@  to
    being8. ThiF demand iF not an eaFy taFk Fince it @e5ui@eF aFking  Fucceed6
    the @egime fo@ Fomething which if @ealized, would lead into thiF
    @egime?F death.
     * Andreja Zevnik, "Sovereign-less Subject and the possibility of Resistance", Journal of International Studies, Vol. 38, no. 1, 2009 pp. 83-106

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