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Page  5                                                            ISSUE 13 , November 2019                                                                          ELITE

                                                            opportunity  to  balance  the  relationship  between  the
                                                            government  and  the  military  council  during  the  second
                                                            period  in  the  ministry  than  the  first  period  for  many
                                                            reasons,  one  of  them  was  that  the  grip  of  the  military
                                                            council  was  less  so  the  government  began  to  perform  its
                                                            role in the shade of a degree of calm and stability and we
                                                            began  to  implement  the  stages  of  political  transition  ,
                                                            explaining that his opinion about the arrangement of doing
                                                            the  parliamentary  elections  then  presidential  elections
                                                            and then write the Constitution was wrong and like putting
                                                            the cart before the horse, because the Constitution is what
                                                            sets  thing  right,  that’s  why  it  must  be  written  first  and
                                                            then  comes  the  elections.  But  with  the  military  council
                                                            confronting  the  issue  of  the  transitional  phase  and
                                                            insisting  on  this  arrangement,  I  submitted  my  first
                                                            resignation  from  the  ministry.  Then  we  saw  the
                                                            Brotherhood's  control  over  the  parliament,  then  the
                                                            presidency and the formation of the Committee of fifty and
                                                            writing the Constitution.
                                                                As  a  socialist  thinker,  he  assess  the  current  economic
   My upcoming book narrates my                             reform program to which the largest capital institution of
                                                            the Bretton Woods system and the International Monetary
                 ministerial days                           Fund  contributed  as  he  said  that  they  have  presented  a
                                                            new conception of an alternative program to the program
                                                            agreed  with  the  IMF  as  an  institution,  not  an  individual,
                                                            but The problem with the agreement with the IMF was that
   And  this  during  the  period  of  revolutionary
   momentum,  where  everybody  freely  expressed  their    the government did not strive to defend the interests of the
   opinion,  and  with  the  accurate  discretion  of  the  Egyptians  and  recognized  that  experience,  wisdom  and
   people, they were able to conclude that I was working    knowledge are all in the hands of the IMF experts. But the
   for them, and they understood that there were limits     fatal decision of floating the Egyptian pound in November
   for pressure. Also, there were strengths represented     2017  was  an  example  to  this,  and  as  a  Professional
   in the descent of young people to Tahrir Square and      economist I know that the national currency is the basis of
   commander Ibrahim and the forty in Suez and others,      the  economy  and  should  not  be  left  to  go  into  thin  air  -
   which helped in pressuring the supply system, so they    especially if the state’s economy is small -, And we saw the
   said send the bread to a certain place and the youth     result of this decision represented in the raise of the dollar
   will  ensure  its  distribution  fairly,  so  the  political  price  to  20  pounds  after  it  was  only  8/9  pounds  before
   atmosphere  and  the  pulse  of  the  street  were       returning to 16 pounds, this caused the social and economic
   important during the initial period.                     conditions to be shaken. Thus, the confusion of the budget
   And speaking of the second period in the Ministry of     of Egyptian families, the state and the various institutions
   Supply,  he  added  that  his  biggest  ambition  at  that  as a result of the virtue of strengthening the relationship
   time  was  to  prevent  a  major  famine  in  Upper  Egypt  between  the  inside  and  outside.  But  that  effect  can  be
   which really happened -that is also what I recorded in   overlooked.
   a  book  that  will  be  published  by  Al  Shorouk      He  continued  explaining  that  his  second  objection  is  that
   bookstore, titled “ With the Poor”, which includes my    interest  in  real  estate  is  not  a  reform  because  reform
   experience  in  the  ministry-  therefore,  there  was  no  means  changing  the  situation  into  a  better  direction,  as
   opportunity to look into reform issues until December    Egyptians will not eat real estate, but bread. Therefore, the
   2011.That’s  when  we  started  looking  at  the  issues  of  state budget was exhausted due to the concern about only
   reform  and  the  implementation  of  justice  and       one item in it, which was reflected on people in the form of
   sufficiency,  so  we  put  basis  for  the  bread  subsidy  inflation,  which  is  politically  considered  as  a  tax  with  no
   system,  but  unfortunately  it  was  not  built  on  this  value causing the redistribution of income and wealth for
   basis, which caused a great waste of resources due to    the benefit of rich Egyptians and foreigners. That’s why he
   the  submission  of  the  people  in  charge  to  pressure  do  not  call  this  a  reform,  and  for  this  we  must  firstly
   strongly. However, there was a greater                   tighten  the  relationship  between  the  inside  and  outside
                                                            and  defend  the  value  of  the  Egyptian    pound  through
                                                            agriculture  and  industry  ,  as  real  estate  comes  at  the
                                                            second or third place compared to them.

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