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Page 4                                                                ISSUE 13, November 2019                                                                         ELITE

                                       Ideologies never ends in this world

      Dr.Gouda  elaborated  that  he  sees  socialism Dr.Gouda  added  that  there  is  several  reasons  for
      from his own perspective, he also                      this  dilemma  one  of  them  is  the  history,  as  the
      appreciates the Egyptian farmer as he lived his history  is  a  group  of  rings,  each  ring  leads  to  the
      experience  since  being  raised  up  in  a  village other.  The  second  reason  is  the  technology  as  it
      and  working  in  agriculture.  Abdel-Khalek work for the interest of who have the money and it
      started  to  ask  why  some  people  have  money works against the ones who have shortage. At the
      more  than  the  others  and  some  don’t  have  at end,  the  technology  is  a  product  of  the  human
      all. Therefore, he searched for an answer for his thoughts,  thus  everybody  owns  it.  Abdel-Khalek
      question.  Then,  he  established  “Al-Tagamoaa” explained  that  the  development  of  technology  in
      party  on  the  basis  of  his  view  of  communism Silicon  Valley  and  USA  is  just  a  result  for  our
      which  is  being  communist  from  the  Egyptian civilization  as  old  Egyptians,  since  we  illuminated
      land sprouted. Dr. Gouda expected the fall of          the path for them since the establishment of the old
      Nasser’s socialism and he was sad when it fell. library  of  Alexandria.  He  added  that  it’s  not  true
      If we looked for what really happen with global that the ideology gas expired as everything that is
      perspective  we  will  find  that  USA  is  doing  the promoted  as  technology  is  originally  an  ideology,
      most  manipulating  process  along  the  history, and the only solution for this dilemma is the social
      and it is naive to expect the US as in                 equality and the closest systems to this idea is the
      Hollywood  movies.  Abdel-Khalek  said  that  he       Scandinavian systems as in Norway and Denmark
      got  an  offer  to  teach  in  one  of  the  American  as  they  achieved  the  equilibrium  between  the
      universities after studying in it and that was an      individuals and government responsibility.
      exception,  but  he  refused  and  asked  them  to     When we asked him about his experience in being a
      write a letter for being a proof for the incident,     minister for Ministry of Social Solidarity and Social
      besides he told them that he would return to his       Justice after the January revolution. He started by
      country  to  teach  the  farmers’  sons  what  he      talking  about  the  first  ministry,  which  took  place
      learnt there. Dr. Gouda explained that he went         during  the  second  government  of  General  Ahmed
      to the US five times as a visitor professor at the     Shafiq after the resignation of the former President
      universities  like  Los  Angles  University  and       Mohamed  Hosni  Mubarak,  explaining  that  he
      California University and last time was at 2015.       performed  the  ministry  oath  on  the  22nd  of
      He added that he is an expert in the American          February 2011 in the shade of the disappearance of
      society since he ensured the enormous division         security  and  absence  of  the  police.  Therefore,  the
      in the society, and the luxurious life they live is    essentials  of  life  such  as  bread  and  basic
      just  a  result  of  the  Iraqi  and  Afghanistan      commodities  must  be  provided  and  transported
      dilemmas.  Abdel-Khalek  ensured  that  the            from  one  place  to  another  while  absence  of  the
      communism  isn’t  the  only  system  that  had         security system, which was like an impossible thing
      problems,  and  the  factors  of  production  can      to  be  done.  But  being  protected  from  the  people,  I
      achieve peace for the world, however, there is a       was  able  to  stand  in  front  of  the  military  council,
      centrifugal force in the system as the authority       submit my resignation and also express my opinion
      and  fortune  are  always  with  a  minority  while    freely in front of the cabinet, as a result of feeling
      the others are being ignored.                          protected by the people.

          ELITE                                                                  ISSUE 13 , November 2019                                                                        Page 4
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