Page 9 - issue 66 en
P. 9
9. How is the Egyptian state addressing the to migrants themselves and to educate them
increase in the number of refugees and the about the definition and dangers of human
rising risks of irregular migration and human trafficking, which fundamentally involves
trafficking within Egypt? exploiting the most vulnerable and needy
groups. The committee is also seeking funding
Her Excellency noted that Egypt has to revitalise this campaign to educate African
transitioned from being a source and transit brethren from source countries about the risks
country to becoming more of a destination of irregular migration.
country. Currently, the inflow of migrants
significantly exceeds the outflow due to the 10. In conclusion, what are the key pieces of
prevailing circumstances. The Egyptian state advice you would like to share with our
is giving this issue considerable attention, students, particularly those interested in
acknowledging that while it represents a joining the diplomatic service in light of global
burden and responsibility for the Egyptian changes and developments?
administration, Egypt has always welcomed
its guests warmly. However, it is crucial to At the end of our engaging and rich
regularise their status within the country to conversation, Ambassador Naela Gabr
understand their numbers and basic needs, concluded her remarks by encouraging
as well as to maintain security. With the students from the Faculty of Economics and
increase in refugee numbers, Egypt now Political Science to pursue careers in
hosts over 790,000 registered refugees, not diplomacy. She advised them to stay updated
to mention many others who are on current events, which can change rapidly
unregistered. This situation poses significant from one day to the next, and to regularly read
risks, especially since the assistance and rich newspapers and magazines filled with
support received by Egypt for these both global and local news, such as Al-Ahram
individuals do not adequately correspond to Weekly, Al-Ahram Hebdo, and the International
the numbers it accommodates annually Affairs journal, which continues to maintain its
from neighbouring countries. This imbalance prestige and relevance.
places additional pressures on the labour The ambassador emphasised the importance
market, particularly the informal sector, as of foreign language proficiency as a
well as on social services such as health, fundamental requirement for entering the
education, and housing. Despite Egypt's diplomatic service, recommending that
long-standing hospitality towards its guests students master at least one foreign language
throughout different eras, the large influx in reading, writing, and translation. She also
poses a serious threat, particularly regarding stressed the need to give due attention to the
population concentrations in specific areas. Arabic language, which has recently received
She concluded this point by expressing her less emphasis among the current youth
hope that the challenging circumstances generation. Furthermore, she highlighted the
surrounding Egypt and the Arab region will importance of maintaining a respectable
soon pass, wishing for peace and prosperity. appearance and representing the country in a
Furthermore, the ambassador highlighted commendable manner.
one of the key programs activated On behalf of Elite newspaper, we extend our
previously to combat irregular migration: heartfelt gratitude to Her Excellency for the
the "Aware Migrant" program. wonderful opportunity to meet with her and
This initiative is part of broader media for sharing the invaluable insights and lessons
campaigns and Egyptian efforts that have learned from her distinguished and significant
been translated and disseminated widely to career.
raise awareness about the risks of irregular