Page 8 - issue 66 en
P. 8
She condemned the oppressive actions of However, the most significant challenge is,
the occupying forces under the leadership of course, the economic one. She believes
of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has made that Egypt's way out of this dark tunnel lies
his state a hostage to his aggressive and in primarily supporting the private sector,
imperial ambitions, surpassing all war which, in turn, provides ample job
criminals throughout history. This is set opportunities for youth. It is crucial not to
against a backdrop of an international leave the government to navigate the
community that has stood powerless in the economic process alone, especially in an era
face of a state that violates all standards and that requires innovative solutions and ideas
principles of human rights, beginning with its —solutions that cannot be implemented
unwavering support for such actions since solely by the government but must be based
October 7, based on false foundations. on organising the economic process within a
All these factors reflect on Egypt, broader framework.
particularly in terms of job opportunities She emphasised the necessity of focusing on
and the impact on national income sources, certain vital strategic sectors, such as
such as the Suez Canal and tourism and agriculture, industry, and technical
various economic sectors—two of the key education, urging a departure from the
drivers behind the phenomenon of irregular traditional perceptions that have been
migration. Consequently, the committee has ingrained in the public mindset. This shift is
set its priority to lead awareness campaigns essential to generate added value that
targeted at youth during this critical phase, creates opportunities and opens new
in coordination with various local horizons for youth in the economic sector.
development partners. These campaigns aim Additionally, she encouraged young people
not only to raise awareness about the to study the market and its needs,
dangers of irregular migration but also to understanding the value of work itself,
showcase a range of alternative enabling them to become qualified and
opportunities available in the Egyptian sought after by emerging economic sectors.
market, which is among the largest markets This involves moving away from the
in the region. This approach requires traditional view of public employment and
innovative solutions and ideas from young the entrenched culture surrounding
people, focusing primarily on the Egyptian prestigious academic institutions.
market rather than resorting to irregular She concluded her response by stressing the
migration. importance of supporting national industries
and promoting the slogan "Egyptian
8. In the midst of the current economic Products First." This is a goal the state aims
challenges, what are the key challenges and to achieve by creating new markets for
risks that the state and the committee artisans and manufacturers.
should take into consideration?
The ambassador also noted that she has
Her Excellency placed the regional challenge adopted this slogan throughout her
at the forefront, highlighting its impact on diplomatic career by presenting gifts to
various aspects, not only economically but foreign ambassadors and officials, all of
also psychologically on the Egyptian citizen. which are locally produced. Such products
serve as excellent ambassadors for Egyptian
goods and manufacturing, a principle she
encourages the current generation of
diplomats to embrace as well.