Page 7 - issue 66 en
P. 7
On the institutional front, the existence Additionally, it is committed to sharing
of the committee as an organisational Egypt's experiences on this topic at the
body in Egypt lends the country regional level, representing Egypt in
significant weight on the international regional conferences and meetings
stage, where the committee is more aimed at raising awareness among
recognized than locally. Furthermore, countries and individuals and exchanging
the fact that it operates directly under views and expertise regarding this
the Prime Minister also serves as matter.
evidence of a clear political vision and These efforts have borne fruit, as Egypt
commitment to addressing this complex has successfully exercised strong
issue. The committee is characterised by political will to control its borders,
having a flexible and highly particularly its shores. No Egyptian
interconnected mechanism that avoids migrant vessel has departed since
bureaucracy; notably, it does not burden September 2016, despite the challenges
the state with costs related to awareness surrounding Egypt and the precarious
campaigns and conferences, as it economic situation in the region, which
receives funding in the form of grants directly affects the issue of illegal
from international organisations and migration in the country. While there are
countries. isolated cases of illegal migration, their
On the practical level, the committee prevalence remains limited, primarily
operates based on studies aimed at due to the ongoing presence of human
determining the geographic distribution trafficking networks and the lucrative
of the phenomena of interest, thereby nature of this crime for its perpetrators.
allowing it to allocate efforts and actions Nevertheless, Egypt has effectively
according to the needs of different managed the situation amidst a highly
governorates. sensitive and complex economic and
Internationally, the committee regional context.
collaborates with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs in preparing reports for the 7. How does Ambassador Naela Gabr
United Nations and participates in perceive the current regional situation,
discussions of these reports at meetings particularly regarding the war in
held in Geneva. The committee also Palestine, the civil wars in Sudan, and
highlights its activities in Egypt, various escalating conflicts?
presenting them to the international What impact do these events have on
community, emphasising that this issue the rates of illegal migration, and what
constitutes a blatant violation of human role does Egypt play in this context?
In response to inquiries about these
unfortunate events sweeping across the
Arab world, Ambassador Naela
expressed her deep concern and sorrow,
as any Arab citizen would, regarding the
injustices occurring in the region,
particularly on the Palestinian front.