Page 5 - issue 66 en
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             Her  Excellency  expressed  her  immense             She  emphasised  her  efforts  to  convey
             happiness  at  receiving  this  recognition,         that  experience  to  Egypt,  particularly
             which  came  as  a  culmination  of  a               during     the    rule    of    the    Muslim
             distinguished      career     dedicated       to     Brotherhood,  a  time  when  the  political
             unparalleled  support  for  women's  issues          leadership  sought  to  vilify  the  CEDAW

             and  rights,  reflected  in  the  various            Convention  through  extensive  media
             positions  she  has  held  throughout  her           mobilisation       via     their     affiliated
             professional  journey.  She  has  been               platforms.
             elected  six  consecutive  times  as  an             Consequently,  she  worked  vigorously  to
             international expert on the Committee on             defend women's rights during this unjust
             the Elimination of Discrimination Against            period.  This  commitment  led  her  to
             Women  (CEDAW),  an  unprecedented                   engage  with  many  influential  figures  in
             achievement  among  United  Nations                  the  field  of  women's  rights,  such  as  her
             treaty  bodies,  owing  to  her  extensive           meetings  with  Dr.  Amna  Nossier,  among
             experience     in    this   field    and    her      others, with the hope of rescuing women
             unwavering  advocacy  for  a  system  of             from  the  depths  of  marginalisation  and
             values that uphold women's rights as well            despair  they  faced  at  that  time.  She
             as  respecting  the  values  of  our  Arab           aimed to affirm that Islamic teachings do
             Region.                                              not    contradict      the    political    and

             Regarding  her  views  on  the  Egyptian             economic  rights  of  women  enshrined  in
             government's  approach  to  women's                  the convention.
             issues,  she  emphasised  that  there  is            Moreover,      the     Ambassador        made
             unprecedented  support  for  the  political          significant  efforts  to  advocate  for  the
             and social rights of Egyptian women. She             rights  of  rural  women,  who  constitute  a
             also expressed her profound satisfaction             substantial     percentage      of   Egyptian
             with the renewed efforts to highlight the            women.      She      initiated    a    general
             importance  of  family  planning,  given  its        recommendation  within  the  CEDAW
             significant  implications  for  women's              Committee  addressing  Article  14  of  the
             physical  and  mental  health,  as  well  as         convention  concerning  rural  women,
             their  roles  as  mothers,  particularly  for        analysing  the  various  difficulties  and
             women        who      are     the      primary       challenges  they  face  and  providing
             breadwinners of their families.                      recommendations  to  different  countries
                                                                  on how to safeguard the rights and needs
             4.  How  has  your  experience  with  the            of  rural  women.  The  Ambassador  was
             United  Nations  Committee  on  the                  keen  to  share  this  experience  not  only
             Elimination  of  Discrimination  Against             within Egypt but also across various Arab
             Women  (CEDAW)  influenced  national                 nations. Additionally, she contributed to

             policies  in  Egypt  concerning  women's             the  promotion  of  CEDAW  within  the
             rights?                                              Organization  of  Islamic  Cooperation  by
             Her  Excellency  expressed  her  deep                advocating  for  the  establishment  of  a
             gratitude  for  her  tenure  as  an  expert  on      Women's       Development        Organization
             the  CEDAW  Committee,  a  position  that            (WDO) based in Cairo and working to turn
             reflects the complete trust in her diligent          this idea into reality.
             and tireless work on this issue, as well as
             her strict adherence to the preparation of
             necessary working papers and policies.                                                             5
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