Page 13 - issue 66 en
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          This  November,  Egypt  has  hosted  the                WUF  is  also  one  of  the  most  inclusive

          12th Session of the World Urban Forum                   international       gatherings      that     treat
          (WUF12)  and  according  to  this  year’s               several urban matters, which are deeply
          slogan:  “It  all  starts  at  home”,  change           intertwined with several pressing issues

          and certainly development should start                  related      to     the      UN      Sustainable
          locally first, then be expanded globally.               Development           Goals      (SDGs).       For
          Urban  development  issues  are  related                example,  the  sessions  organized  during
          to the simplest aspects that we usually                 the 5-days conference, mainly aimed to
          take for granted, but deeply impact the                 discuss  the  matters  of  inequality,

          shared  urban  existence  of  over  4.4                 sustainable            architecture           and
          billion  people:  such  as  the  air  we                construction,  gender-inclusivity  in  the
          breathe,  the  availability  and  cost  of              urban         sector,       increasing         the

          housing, the safety of our water supply,                environmental                   consciousness,
          or  the  access  to  safe  and  inclusive               acknowledging  the  impacts  of  conflicts
          public spaces.                                          on urbanization, etc.….

          Established  by  the  UN  in  2001,  and  in

          collaboration  with  UN-Habitat,  the
          World  Urban  Forum  comes  back  to
          Africa after over 20 years. This forum is

          here to examine one of the most critical
          issues      around       the     world:     rapid
          urbanization  and  its  impacts  on  the
          environment. But most importantly it is
          a  platform  where  experiences  and                                                                 13

          expertise are shared from all around the
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