Page 27 - issue 66 en
P. 27
life, and the nature of people, it’s But why is all that important ?
equally what we believe about the Our conceptualisation of this world,
light and darkness in our world and our so-called ultimate truth, is the
which dominates, it’s simply how source of our smallest daily actions
we see our surrounding world. and the culture that we spread
Henceforth, it’s according to our around. It starts with the beginning
perception, to that belief, that we of each day, from whether we
choose how to behave with others choose to say to others: “Good
and it’s according to our own morning, may this be a beautiful
conceptualisation of the “ultimate day” or whether we choose to say:
truth” about the universe and “Why do you have so much energy
existence, that we make our daily early in the morning ?”, it equally
decisions. While the first source of shows in the memes and reels we
the truth that would usually come share daily on our social media
to mind, is “religion”, what we think profiles, we now unfortunately
about God and its existence, it’s often find posts like: Someone: I
often very few people who would like to talk to you please, me:
sincerely ponder on that topic, very No, thank you dear, I don’t
few brave and truly open-minded converse with others anymore »,
people dedicate the necessary time such posts may gather reacts on
and effort, if not one’s entire the internet but they eventually
lifetime, to reflect upon and search spread a culture that decreases our
into the different religions and the compassion for one another and
various conceptualisations of God our openness to healthy
and its existence, to find eventually conversations. When we ponder on
their strong, well researched such posts or harsh words said in
“Truth”, rather than just inherit a the morning, we find that
certain belief or decide to choose eventually they stem from our idea
whichever suits one’s desires most of what « the ultimate truth » is,
or whichever satisfies one’s need to they stem from our deep own belief
belong most. Consequently, in our about this universe and existence.
contemporary world of inherited
beliefs, we find that “life
experience” is another major source
for many’s deep down beliefs/ idea
of “That ultimate truth”, which is in
this author’s opinion, an unreliable
source, for how can one’s simple
singular experience explain the
mystic of the universe. 27