Page 26 - issue 66 en
P. 26
We often consider our conceptualisation compelled to impose it upon others, to
of the universe and existence as a mere share THE truth with the world, to
aspect of our lives or a mere interesting enlighten others with THAT truth in a
topic to reflect upon. However, dedicate way. With most of us believing in being
time for it or not, each of us has a particular “the enlightened”, we find ourselves
idea, and belief of his or her own existence divided into social groups with
and of the creation of this universe. individuals who are, according to our
Consciously or unconsciously, often the own truth, “enlightened” as well. To
latter, this conceptualisation of our
existence determines and leads the each group everyone else has fallen
majority, if not all of our actions, both the into darkness but with different levels/
most significant and insignificant ones. degrees or even if some are considered
enlightened, it remains a consideration
Here, we need to pause and ask of a lesser degree of enlightenment. It’s
ourselves: is what we think we believe a spectrum as are most things. From
about the universe and our existence here, equally comes the inevitable
consistent or coherent with what we deeply social antagonies whether between
truly believe and with what dominates our social groups of the same country or
unconscious mind and our actions?
between different countries and
Each of us in a way, considers oneself
to hold the ultimate one revealed truth
about the world. Consequently, whether But what do we mean exactly by
intentionally and consciously or “the truth” ? And what is its source ? By
unintentionally through an unconscious the truth, we mean what we believe
automatic behavior, since oneself holds the about this universe and its structure,
so called “truth”, everyone feels about the nature of