Page 23 - issue 66 en
P. 23


            While  the  other  camp  see  that  it’s               It was an America that was beginning to
          because  the  republican  will  dominate  the            confront  its  darker  shadows,  could

          three  branches  of  government  including               acknowledge  the  injustice  in  its  past
          the  Senate  and  likely  the  House,  and               and present, yet at the same time could
          because he will be more free to push the                 celebrate its successes. It was a nation

          policies  he  actually  wants  now  than  he             of  broad  prosperity,  the  world's  most
          could  in  the  first  term  because  he  no             vibrant  middle  class,  and  an  idealistic
          longer has to stress over winning votes for              belief (though not consistently applied)
          re-election  ;  that  the  media  is  biased             in  freedom,  justice,  and  democracy.  It
          because  it’s  controlled  by  democrats.  In            was  a  nation  that  led  the  world  in

          fact, republican supporters claim that one               innovation,          productivity,           and
          of Trump’s policies is to “terminate every               technology.  And  it  was  the  healthiest
          diversity,  equity  and  inclusion  across  the          country  in  the  world.  This  is  the

          entire federal government”.                              America they want to restore.
          As Trump’s male voters base, rely on being
          a man’s man, and  because their candidate                  And  now,  after  acknowledging  both
          focuses  on  economic  prosperity  more                  opinion, where is the truth between the
          than social issues including women’s, they               two  camps?  Is  the  media  over

          argued that : it is selfish of blue voters to            exaggerating            about          Trump’s
          put      gender       identity      and      women       perspective  of  women  or  it’s  just  the
          reproductive  rights  over  worldly  issues              reality?  What  is  the  fate  of  American

          like  illegal  immigrants  “crowding”  the               women?  Will  they  survive  the  political
          country,  economic  instability  and  high               system  of  the  conservative  son  of
          prices,the  wellbeing  of  american  families            immigrants?  We  will  know  the  full
          and  to  worry  about  elitist  and  privileged          answer in 4 years.
          issues,  originally  pushed  by  democrats

          and far left liberals, while there are some
          people who can’t afford their necessities…
          Then,  what  does  Trump  really  want?  He

          wants  "MAGA"  –  to  Make  America  Great
          Again-.  The  phrase  has  troubled  liberals
          who  think  it  is  a  call  for  a  return  to  an
          America before civil rights, gay rights, and
          women's rights. But it has a more generous

          interpretation,  one  that  is  truer  to  my
          experience  of    Donald  Trump  as  he  is
          today. "Make America Great Again" recalls

          a nation brimming with vitality, with a can-
          do spirit, with hope and a belief.

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