Page 22 - issue 66 en
P. 22
Trump claiming “ If you voted red and This control was explained by Texas States
this is the norm you set, then enjoy representative James Talarico that when
lower gas prices” On the other side, Trump, in his first term, overturned Roe v
Trump supporters -mostly white men- Wade, the republicans in Texas banned
trying to justify Trump’s real intentions abortion under any condition and put death
and policies which have no negative penalty on woman who did it, that’s why
effect on women rights ; “…Because at Trump’s opponents affirm that republican
the end of the day it’s the Land of free, extremism is “killing” women.
Adding to that another argument expressed
you can do whatever you want, you can by women “How are we supposed to feel
be whoever you want to be” they safe not only, when a convicted felon is
claimed. ruling our country, but also actively talking
about ‘the purge’ ”, which is mainly a
“I work with the majority of men, just to dystopian imagination, not realised yet,
see them smiling and high-fiving each mentionned by Trump during a rally in
other saying ‘Men won again’ made me Pennsylvania, about having one “rough and
terrified” was a statement of a woman strict” hour or day where every and any
of many, expressing their rage on social crime is legal and no one can stop anyone
media after the election result as they even the police, who in that case, is not
feel that their freedom is deprived. supposed to charge anyone under any
Actually, in my opinion the cause of condition. He also talked about giving full
that isn’t in fact, the policies immunity to the police, so it can be above
implemented but the hate/misogynistic the law, which in both cases is terrifying,
speech that is pushed by the even in just imagination, for people of color
mainstream media, adding to that the and women.
statements expressed by Trump in
some speeches and TV showing his real
agenda towards women. Currentl, the
most viral statement on Tiktok is “ Your
body, my choice. Forever” said by
Nicholas Fuentes is a far-right political
pundit and live-streamer who promotes
supremacist, misogynist hate speeches
which is why his Youtube channel was
permanently terminated in 2020. This
specific one was vastly attacked
because of his speech, as it revealed
how policies implemented by the
conservatives can have the target of
“just” controlling women and not to
“make America great again”.