Page 46 - Issue 62
P. 46

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                  Anant  Ambani's  marriage  was                        Was  this  decision  made

                  not  the  only  one  expected                         after         Ronaldo             finally

                  among           the       marriages            of     confirmed the truth of his

                  wealthy people, a few days ago,                       feelings? or was it another

                  some  newspapers  circulated                          matter  for  the  rules  and

                  news  about  the  imminent

                  marriage of Cristiano Ronaldo                         customs of Saudi Arabia?

                  to      Georgina:            his       current        Probably,             this        would

                  girlfriend  and  mother  to  four                     make us wonder how such

                  of his children.Naturally, If it's                    an event will be in light of

                  not a rumor or just an add, it                        his  stay  in  Saudi  Arabia,

                  shall    raise  a  number  of                         which             has          recently

                  questions..                                           succeeded  in  attracting

                                                                        the world's attention to it

                                                                        .  This  was  obvious  in

                                                                        many            occasions             and

                                                                        recent  reviews  in  the

                                                                        Riyadh              season            and


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