Page 45 - Issue 62
P. 45

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                         millionaires’ preparations

                                                            Rana Ahmed- Fourth year- political science

                  < I never wanted to own one, but after seeing
                  your  watch,  I  can  change  my  mind,=  was
                  Mark  Zuckerberg's  comment  on  Anant

                  Ambani's Watch, which was worth a million
                  dollars, as a result of receiving him at his pre-
                  wedding  celebrations.It  is  worth  noting  that
                  Anant  Ambani  is  the  youngest  son  of
                  Mukesh  Ambani,  who  is  the  richest  man  in

                  Asia  with  a  fortune  exceeding  one  hundred
                  and ten billion dollars.
                  Zuckerberg  was  not  the  only  one  of  the

                  invited  dignitaries,  but  the  list  of  attendees  The arrangements did not stop there, but
                  included  about  two  thousand  and  two              the Ambani family built fourteen temples
                  hundred  people,  including  a  constellation  of     in  Jamna  Garh,  the  Indian  city  that
                  influencers  in  various  fields  such  as  Bill      received the event.
                  Gates,  Ivana  Trump,  Shah  Rukh  Khan,              By  circulating  these  excerpts,  the  pre-

                  Sundar  Pichai,  Google  CEO,  Salman  Khan,          wedding  preparations  have  been  shown!
                  Rihanna, who received more than six million           Yes,  the  wedding  date  has  not  yet
                  dollars  for  doing  her  longest  show  in  eight    arrived,  and  those  arrangements  that

                  years.                                                were held during the first three nights in
                  To  receive  this  huge  number  of  visitors,  the   March       were      only      pre-wedding
                  airport's  passenger  terminal  has  been             celebrations, as for the wedding itself, it
                  expanded from 275 to 900  square meters, as           is expected to be held in July.

                  well  as  doubling  the  number  of  security         It is remarkable that all this is happening
                  personnel  in  addition  to  many  other              in  light  of    wars  and  conflicts  that  the
                  equipment  and  repairs  in  order  for  the          world  is  witnessing  in  several  countries,

     45           airport  to  become  able  to  receive  external      such as the Congo, Sudan, and of course
                  flights, which was not available before due to
                  the airport being limited to receiving internal       Palestine,  as  if  we  are  following  the
                                                                        events  of  two  separate  but  dissonant
                  flights only.
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