Page 50 - Issue 62
P. 50

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                         Solidarity in form of social acts:
                         This form of solidarity comes in fact without plannig or thinking. It is shown either
                         by participating in volunteering  activities to help preparing the aids needed to be
                         delivered,  or by decorating streets with Palestinians flag, or like how it was done  in

                         the Matareya Iftar : chanting and supporting with your voice. For the tenth year in a
                         row, Al Matareya residents in Cairo Governorat   celebrated  their annual Iftar on
                         the  15th  of  the  holy  month  with  over  more  than  10  000    attendee  ,  with  with
                         unwavering support for Palestine.

                        Solidarity in form of Protesting and boycotting:
                        There  is  value  to  protesting  and  boycotting.  As  Israel's  onslaught  continues,
                        Palestinians in Gaza look to the protests happening around the world as a source of
                        hope. They know we stand with them. By protesting and demanding an end to the
                        genocide, we can help create the change we hope to see in the world.

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