Page 51 - Issue 62
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Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                    <Ceasefire! but only for 15 days=

                                                             Mariam Elsafty, senior, political sciencee


                    The UN Security Council recently passed a        According to the U.N. Charter, if any of the
                    resolution    demanding      an    immediate     five  permanent  members  exercises  their  veto
                    ceasefire  in  Gaza  during  the  month  of      power,  the  proposal  is  rejected.  Since  the
                    Ramadan.  The  resolution,  numbered  2728,      conflict  in  Gaza  began,  several  draft
                    was adopted with 14 votes in favor and the       resolutions  calling  for  a  ceasefire  have  been
                    United  States  abstaining.  It  calls  for  the
                    immediate  and  unconditional  release  of       vetoed  by  the  permanent  members.  Some
                    hostages and emphasizes the urgent need to       observers,  including  Israel,  viewed  Monday’s
                    expand the flow of aid into Gaza. The most       vote  as  indicative  of  a  shift  in  the  U.S.'s
                    recent  U.N.  Security  Council  resolution,     position,  given  that  it  has  previously  vetoed
                    which  calls  for  a  cessation  of  hostilities  three  resolutions  related  to  the  Gaza  war.
                    during  Ramadan  and  the  liberation  of  all   However,  White  House  National  Security
                    captives, received support from 14 countries,    Council spokesperson John Kirby refuted this
                    including  China  and  Russia.  The  United      interpretation  in  a  statement  to  the  press  on
                    States  chose  not  to  vote,  which  permitted  Monday,  asserting  that  the  abstention  does
                    the  resolution  to  be  adopted.  Legal
                    authorities have noted the significance of the   not  reflect  any  change  in  U.S.  policy.  In  the
                    resolution’s adoption and the U.S.'s decision    past, the United States has vetoed resolutions,
                    to  abstain,  interpreting  it  as  a  sign  of  the  such  as  one  proposed  by  the  United  Arab
                    Biden  administration’s  dwindling  tolerance    Emirates, which did not denounce the Hamas
                    towards  Israel.  The  office  of  Israeli  Prime  attacks  on  October  7  and  did  not  align  with
                    Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu  remarked          Washington’s  stance  against  an  immediate
                    that  the  U.S.'s  abstention  marked  a         ceasefire  at  that  time.  In  February,  the  U.S.
                    significant shift from its longstanding stance   vetoed a resolution introduced by Algeria due
                    in the Security Council since the war’s onset.   to concerns that it might compromise ongoing
                    As  a  result,  Israel  scrapped  its  plans  to
                    dispatch  a  delegation  to  Washington.  The    negotiations  for  hostages.  Recently,  China
                    resolution  garnered  votes  from  all  14       and Russia vetoed an American initiative that
                    members of the U.N. Security Council, with       linked  a  ceasefire  to  the  release  of  hostages.
                    the United  States  abstaining, thus  enabling   However,  as  seen,  Israel  keeps  on  violating
                    its  passage.  The  affirmative  votes  included  international law and keeps on going with the
                    those  from  the  other  four  permanent         genocide,  despite  the  ceasefire  resolution.  In
                    members—China,  France,  Russia,  and  the       addition,  this  ceasefire  is  only  temporary,
                    United  Kingdom—as  well  as  the  ten  non-     which  does  not  serve  the  protection  of  the
      51            permanent  members:  Algeria,  Ecuador,          Palestinians,  and  reflects  the  weak  image  of
                    Guyana, Japan, Malta, Mozambique, South
                    Korea,    Sierra   Leone,    Slovenia,    and    the United Nations.
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