Page 47 - Issue 62
P. 47

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                  Psychology of Conspiracy Theories: Why Do We Believe


                                                             Salma  Ahmed- second level- political science

                  Conspiracy            theories         are      Furthermore, humans are social creatures,
                  everywhere,         from        comment        and conspiracy theories gives some people a

                  sections on Facebook and dubious               sense  of  belonging  because  believing  in

                  websites  to  subjects  of  debate  in         something  others  don't  creates  a  sense  of
                  Talk  shows.  From  aliens  building           shared knowledge and make us feel like we

                  the  pyramids  to  the  moon  landing          have our own community – "we're the only
                  being  a  hoax,  these  outlandish             ones who know the truth!"- This feeling of

                  explanations  for  events  can  be             belonging  can  be  appealing  to  those  who
                  strangely  captivating.  But  why  do          feel  isolated  or  distrustful  of  authority

                  some  people  find  solace  in  these          figures.

                  elaborate  narratives?  There  are
                  many factors we’re going to discuss

                  in this article.

                  One key factor is humans inherent
                  desire to make sense of the world.

                  When we face - relatively- complex
                  events, like a political scandal or a

                  natural        disaster,      conspiracy
                  theories  offer  a  clear  explanation,

                  even  if  it's  fantastical.  It's  gives  us  There’s  also  cognitive  biases,  meaning  we
                                                                 sometimes  seek  out  information  that
                  an  illusion  of  control  in  a  world
     47           that often feels unpredictable.                confirms our existing beliefs, while ignoring
                                                                 evidence  to  the  contrary.  This  creates  an

                                                                 environment  where  conspiracy  theories
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