Page 41 - Issue 62
P. 41

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE

   Kareem         Through  this  narrative  Israel  imposed  its  actual  Nahsholim there. However, the truth is that Israeli

                  narrative  of  trying  to  always  make  peace  with  its  soldiers invaded the village of Tantura on the 22nd
                  neighbors but at the same time it is always ready to  of  May  1948,  they  stripped  women  of  their  gold,
                  defend itself, as a proof, the Israeli army is called  money,  and  anything  valuable  and  were  forcibly
                  the  <Defense  Army=,  the  <IDF=,  the  most  noble  expelled from the village but the men were forced to
                  army, from their perspective.                      gather  at  the  shore  to  begin  the  execution,  the
                  A  manipulated  story  that  shows  Israel  as  the  victims were placed individually in barrels, shot to
                  <underdog= which made it easy to sympathize with,  death, and buried under the village in mass graves
                  because  for  many  decades,  Israel  invested  in  which  was  proven  by  air-shot  photographs  of  the
                  invading the western mind with this story in a way  villages before and after the massacre, maps of the
                  that ensures the burial of the real story beneath.  village,  satellite  images,  testimonies  from  the
                  A  vivid  example  of  this  story  embodied  in  the  Palestinians  who  survived  the  massacre,  3D
                  Tantura massacre.                                  modeling  of  all  changes  occurred  between  these
                  Tantura,  a  small  Palestinian  fishing  village,  that  pictures, to find out that the victims were buried in
                  witnessed  one  of  the  massacres  in  1948  where  mass  graves  located  under  the  parking  lot  of
                  Palestinians  were  buried  in  mass  graves.  One  of  Nehsholim resort.
                  these  graves  lies  beneath  the  parking  lot  of  the
                  <Nahsholim resort= in Israel, until today.From the  The form and construction of Tantura today serve
                  Israeli perspective, after the Nakba Tantura was a  as  a  metaphor  for  the  establishment  of  the  Israeli
                  village  that  witnessed  a  <battle=  in  the     state,  representing  a  fragile  surface  of  Western
                  <Independence  War=  between  Israelis  and  Arabs.  civilization  that  conceals  a  profound  history  of
                  The Israelis won, and the Arabs immigrated from    evidence  of  past  atrocities  such  as  war  crimes,
                  the village and went to a nearby village called Al-  ethnic cleansing, genocide, and mass graves.
                  Faradis, then the settlers established Kibbutz

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