Page 39 - Issue 62
P. 39

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                                        <Death to Arabs: History of the big lie=

                                       Farida Mohamed - second level- Political Sciences

                  As  the  world  faces  a  massive  genocide  in  Gaza,  we  The  goal  is  the  traumatization,  the  stimulation  of
                  never really questioned how the Israeli citizens react  revenge and not letting the fire of vengeance die out,
                  to  genocide  by  sharing  their  <victory=,  the   but  this  vengeance  is  no  directed  towards  the
                  dehumanizing posts on social media, and statements  German  persecutors  of  the  past  but  towards
                  like <We want to kill Arabs=.                       Palestinian colonized subjects who are Nazified.
                  The answer is they’ve been conditioned to. It starts in  The  main  political  agenda  of  Israel  directed  to  the
                  their education system. According to the research of  western imagination and even to the Israeli citizens,
                  the   Israeli   professor   Nurit   Peled-Elhanan,  is national policy dictated in schools, while ensuring
                  Palestinians  or  <Arabs=  are  shown,  in  the  Israeli  that nothing messes with the made-up narrative that
                  textbooks, as caricatures of primitive farmers, hordes  Israeli trying to tell about itself.
                  of  refugees  or  masked  as  terrorists,  Palestinians  are  The fact that Palestinians had nothing to do with the
                  represented as the <problem= and the <threat=.      Holocaust and that they are the ones currently being
                  In another perspective, the Israeli map found in their  exterminated  seems  to  be  irrelevant.  With  this
                  textbooks  doesn’t  even  include  the  occupied  West  weaponization  of  the  Holocaust,  Zionism  isn't  seen
                  Bank,  the  Gaza  Strip,  and  the  East  Jerusalem  and  for the colonial racist ideology that it is, but as the
                  that’s  how  you  end  up  with  normalizing  illegal  savior of the Jewish people to justify the violence of
                  settlers colonizing Palestinian lands claiming it’s their  the Zionist state that must exist and do whatever is
                                                                      necessary to defend itself so that another Holocaust
                  God-given right. In addition to that, Israeli students  would never happen again, and to exist safely, seeing
                  are taught about the Holocaust starting from nursery  Palestinians as people who want to live in peace and
                  school  by  showing  horrifying  images  of  their  be free, doesn't fit into that plan.
                  ancestors, to put them in the shoes of the victims and
                  relate  to  the  experience.  The  identification  of  the
                  students with these victims is not a coincidence, it’s
                  an  intentional  policy  by  the  Israeli  ministry  of
                  education  and  it’s  how  you  end  up  with  a  society
                  where  according  to  an  Israeli  professor  <Every
                  Jewish  Israeli  citizen  is  a  Holocaust  survivor  or  a
                  potential victim of future Holocaust-like events=.

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