Page 37 - Issue 62
P. 37
Ramadan Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023 ELITE
Deinternationalizing and Deinstitutionalizing the
Palestinian Cause
Abdelrahman Sakr - Second Level - Economics
According to UNRWA’S 85TH situation <an unofficial substitute for the state=. This is
report on Gaza and the West Bank, only 7 of mainly due to the redirection of aid that
the agency’s 23 health care centers are happened in 2007, when Hamas overthrew the
operating, serving Gaza’s population of 2 Palestinian Authority and took control of the
million. The report quoted a UNICEF strip. Western donors did not want to support
statement: <People are hungry, exhausted and the new ruler, and thus redirected
traumatized. Many are clinging to life.= humanitarian and institutional aid that was
Approximately 1.9 million internally displaced being given to the PA in Gaza to UNRWA.
persons (IDPs) are either living in 154 Put more simply, Hamas is just a political and
UNRWA shelters or in close proximity to military authority in Gaza while UNRWA acts
these shelters. And without least consideration as the main provider of civil services. So having
of international humanitarian law, Israel has ties between the main provider of civil services
caused damage to 155 UNRWA installations in Gaza and Hamas is normal.
and killed 404 IDPs seeking shelter in it and
158 of its staff. Instead of putting more
pressure on Israel to allow more aid into the
strip and to stop targeting UNRWA’s
buildings and staff, UNRWA’s western
donors- most importantly its top two donors,
US and Germany- has decided to cut funding
due to Israel’s allegations that 12 of the
organization’s employees, 2 of which have
already been killed, has participated in the
events of the 7th of October with Hamas.
The organization has become more and more
crucial since the 2000s because of its central
role in providing food, healthcare, and
37 education for Palestinian refugees in Gaza.
According to Daniel Forti, a senior Analyst in
UN advocacy and research at International
Crisis Group, UNRWA can be considered as