Page 40 - Issue 62
P. 40

Ramadan            Vol.1 Issue 62 December 2023                                          ELITE


                  One of the most famous and <banned= books in       The  Israeli  narrative  presented  many  heroes
                  Israel,  written  by  Eyal  Weizmann  called       like  Menachem  Begin,  Yitzhak  Rabin  ,  Ariel
                  <Hollow  land=  is  considered  a  book  of        Sharon and Shimon Peres who joined military
                  conviction,    by    explaining   the    Israeli’s  organizations  such  as  Haganah  ,  Irgun  and
                  occupational  architecture  and  method  in        Lehi and if we focused on the smartly chosen
                  building settlement, in a way that strangles and   names  of  theses  military  organizations  ,  the
                  expels the Palestinians.                           meaning  of  <Lehi=  is  the  <fighters  for  the
                  Let’s  hear  the  Israel  story  from  the  beginning.  freedom  of  Israel=,  so  it’s  a  story  with  an
                  The  myth-like  narrative  starts  where  Israel   organization called the freedom fighters, which
                  presents  itself  in  the  weak  moment  of  birth  to  normally  stimulates  the  audience’s  sympathy
                  earn  empathy,  starting  with  the  Jewish        and  let  them  believe  that  Jewish  bravery  and
                  kingdoms on the land of Palestine that fell apart  sacrifice succeeded in forcing Britain out of the
                  and the temple of Solomon was destroyed along
                  with  it  ,ever  since  Jews  were  dispersed      land  ,  that  there  is  a  place  for  independence
                  throughout the world and for 2000 years , they     from the mandate and the Jew’s freedom from
                  were subjected to discrimination and oppression    historical diaspora.
                  that peaked at the Holocaust, and as a survival    Adding  to  this,  the  UN  Resolution  181
                  attempt,  the  remaining  Jews  decided  to  escape  announced   on    November      1948    which
                  and return to the land of ancestors.               partitioned the land of Palestine into an Arab
                  The  rest  of  the  narrative  is  taught  to  children  state  and  a  Jewish  state,  then  on  14th  May
                  since  sixth  grade  in  their  geography  textbook,  1948  Israel  became  a  country  with  a  prime
                  describing  the  return  of  the  brave  Jews  settlers  minister  called  David  Ben  Gurion  completes
                  who bought the land and built it by using all and  the manipulated story.
                  every means of modern technology, they arrived
                  and found a land of ruins and swamps, so they      The  announcement  of  the  arrival  of  another
                  began digging wells to provide fresh water and     villain  to  attack  the  Israeli  dream  reinforced
                  using fertilizers so that the land could be farmed,  the legitimacy of their narrative. According to
                  they  also  developed  technologies,  cleared  the  this  one,  a  day  after  announcing  their  state,
                  swamps, and filled them in so they were able to    seven  Arab  armies  including  Egypt,  Jordan,
                  eliminate  the  malaria  that  was  killing  them.  Syria, Lebanon, KSA, Iraq, Palestine decided
                  They  established  cities  like  Tel  Aviv,  the  first  to unite and attack the newborn state, in sight
                  port  in  the  region,  despite  that  the  sea  there  is  to  exterminate  Jews,  by  symbolizing  it  to  the
                  shallow with little depth so it’s hard to build a  story  of  Israelites  ,  the  story  of  David  and
                  port, but the settlers managed to do it anyway.
                                                                     Goliath, David was the young weak man who
                                                                     will fight the strong , giant and mighty Goliath
                  This  part  mainly  focuses  on  stimulating  and
                  enticing  the  admiration  of  these  settlers  and  and  for  David’s  faith  and  courage  he  will
                  their  bravery,  to  paint  a  picture  of  the  weak  defeat Goliath. The narrative didn’t stop here
                  settlers who once sought a chance they thrived!    but  it  added  that  the  Palestinian  Arabs  left
                  Then  to  complete  the  narrative  saturated  with  their  land  to  give  the  chance  for  the  seven
                  empathy  and  admiration,  there  must  be  a      Arab armies to annihilate the Jews, and Israel
                  conflict where they defeat the villain. The British  tried with many ways to convince Palestinians
                  mandate was the first one, the one who hinders     to return to their lands, but they refused and
                  the  Jews’  migrations  and  tries  to  abort  their  preferred to live as refugees.
                  dream of a state by stopping their escape from
     40           the  holocaust  in  Europe  and  restoring  their
                  safety in their <new home.=
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