Page 18 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

              Daydreaming...between imagination and reality

                   Rana Ahmed-Political Science-Fourth year-

                Our  eyes  are  watching  things  that  we    Since  then,  the  dramatic  scenes
                would  never  believe  if  they  were  ever   started.  For  example,  we  watched
                told. In light of the changes the world is    Kareem Benzema, the former star of
                witnessing, whether on the natural side
                                                              Real Madrid, go to celebrate his goal
                in  terms  of  raw  and  unprecedented
                                                              with    Tariq  Hamed,  a  former
                climate  changes,  as  we  move  from  the
                                                              Zamalek  player,  as  they  are  now
                era  of  global  warming  to  the  global
                boiling,  as  stated  by  the  Secretary-     playing under the name of the Saudi
                General of the United Nations, or even        club Ittihad Jeddah.
                in  political  terms  in  the  framework  of    Those  shots  remind  us  that  the
                international  relations  that  do  not       permanence  of  any  situation  is
                recognize  the  sustainability  of  the       impossible  and  that  dreams  have  no
                enemy and the beloved, where we have
                seen  many  Arab  countries  moving

                towards a policy of normalization with
                their Zionist enemy.
                Also, if we talk about sports, especially
                football,  there  are  many  jokes  that
                started  with  the  transfer  of  Ronaldo
                and  Messi,  the  two  stars  of  the
                European  Champions  League  to  the
                Saudi Arabian League.

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