Page 14 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

                                      Authenticity, or the lack thereof

                                          Noor Khaled - economics - senior

              We witness the emergence of new trends          come up with these designs themselves.
              and designers every day, but are all of         Instead, both creators were inspired one
              these  ideas  truly  new  or  “unique?”  It     way or another by content on Pinterest

              can  be  easy  to  identify  great  skills,     and other social media platforms. Now,
              however,  it  is  quite  difficult  to  claim   I must take a moment to clarify that I
              that  someone  came  up  with  an               am  not  talking  about  plagiarism.  The
              authentic     design     nowadays.       As     idea is that there is simply a finite pool
              alarming  as  this  sounds,  it  is  not        of  resources  online  which  people  can

              surprising as people tend to succumb to         use  as inspiration  for  “newer”  designs,
              conformity.  This  is  especially  true  in     even  when  the  original  sources  of
              certain  cultures  that  value  tradition  –    inspiration aren’t even new themselves.

              standing  out  doesn’t  always  work  in        Authenticity of Thought
              your  favor.  Countries  like  the  U.S.A,      Now,  the  lack  of  authenticity  in
              where  individuality  is  celebrated  aren’t    adopting styles is mostly harmless, but
              exempt from this issue.                         when it comes to developing takes and
              Take the most recent internet drama as          opinions  on  societal  issues  or  politics,

              an  example.  A  TikTok  creator  by  the       this  is  a  far  greater  threat.  The  high
              name  of  “taybeepboop”  made  a  video         presence  of  social  media  in  our  daily
              claiming  that  another  TikTok  creator        lives has an effect on our understanding

              had  been  copying  her  interior  design       of  different  concepts  whether  we  are
              ideas, and, regardless of whether or not        aware of it or not. And the result is that
              that  claim  is  true,  what  we  can  find     we  tend  to  echo  the  same  beliefs  of
              evidence that both creators did not             those we are most exposed to without

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