Page 9 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

              I  couldn't  control  myself,  so  I  hysterically  Then he asked me: “How did you survive in the
              shouted: “Dad... Dad... Where are you, Dad...”   wreckage? How did you survive all these days?
              And it is only the blink of an eye until the roof  No air, no water, no food.”
              collapses,  debris  is  scattered,  and  darkness    I said: “I was almost stricken with hunger, so
              prevails.                                        the  smell  led  me  to  my  mother's  pancakes,
              I kept calling: “Mom.. Hisham.. Hani.. Where     which I began to eat.
              are you? do you hear me? do you see me”          Thirst  almost  killed  me,  and  the  rain  made  a
              I can no longer hear anything but the sounds of  hole in the roof, and I kept drinking the water
              houses  collapsing,  people  screaming,  and     that was falling from it.
              children crying.                                 I almost died, as the rescue teams did not turn
              I can't see anything anymore..the darkness has   towards me.
              closed in..                                      But I turned to God and clung to hope.
              I  got  scared..  I  cried..  I  screamed..  I  was  in  I  thought  of  removing  the  pen  that  my  father
              pain.. I collapsed..                             gave me from the hole in the ceiling, so that the
              I kept shouting from time to time: “catch me...  rescuers  could  see  it,  as  it  was  a  phosphorous
              save me... help me...”                           pen that glowed in the dark.”
              I surrendered to my destiny, and prepared for    And  here  the  microphone  was  directed  to  a
              my death.                                        person wearing a yellow jacket: “We noticed a
              But I remembered how God saved His Prophet       thin, shiny thing moving in the dark.. We went
              Yunus  from  the  darkness  of  the  belly  of  the  towards it, grabbed it, and found it..”
              whale, His Prophet Joseph from the depths of     And here I felt my neck, but I did not find it, so
              the pit, and His Prophet Moses from the waves    I  frowned..  and  I  almost  cried:  Where  is  my
              of the sea.                                      pen? And I said in a choked voice: Was it lost in
              Time passed, and I could no longer distinguish   the rubble?
              between night and day, nor between sleep and     And here the cameras turned on another person
              wakefulness.                                     from  the  yellow  vests:  “Here  is  the  pen  that
              And  when  someone  calls  me:  Come  on         saved her, then he gave it to me...”
              heroine..                                        I smiled, and tried to straighten my seat to hang
              I opened my eyes, looked around, and focused     it  around  my  neck,  but  I  could  not  move  my
              my hearing.                                      other  hand,  and  I  looked  at  it  but  could  not
              Many  people  surround  me..  Microphones        find it..
              pointing at me.. Cameras pointing at me..        And  before  I  could  wonder,  the  microphone
              One  of  them  said:  “Thank  God  for  your     was directed at a person wearing a white robe:
              safety.”                                         “her  hand  was  amputated,  but  she  is  now  in
              Another  added,  while  looking  at  one  of  the  good condition, her body systems are working
              cameras: “We are now in the hospital where the   efficiently, and she can be discharged from the
              fifteen-year-old  girl,  who  was  found  alive  hospital after several days..”
              several days later, lies among the rubble left by  Here, one of those carrying microphones asked
              the earthquake.”                                 me:  “How  do  you  feel  now  after  the  death  of
                                                               your  parents,  the  loss  of  shelter,  and  the
                                                               amputation of your hand?”
                                                               I  said,  with  sadness  drawn  on  my  face,  tears
                                                               welling up in my eyes, and pain oozing from my
                                                               heart: It's long as I can hold the pen..

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