Page 10 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

                               Planned transit or coincidence

                         Mirna Osama - Political Sciences  -

            An  American  soldier  called  Travis  King,    The  event  was  considered  "disturbing"  to
            deliberately  and  unauthorised  crossed,  on   leader Kim Jong Un's regime and a headache
            18th  of  July  2023,  the  border  between  the  for American officials, especially as it comes
            two Koreas, North and South, through the        between  strained  relations  between  the  two
            United  Nations-administered  demilitarised     Koreas  and  North  Korea  and  the  United
            zone,  where  he  was  arrested  by  North      States, which have not maintained diplomatic
            Koreans and is now believed to be in North      relations, making North Korea's detention of
            Korean custody.                                 this soldier a particular problem.

            King  was  sent  with  the  U.S.  military  to  Therefore,  the  event  was  a  fascination  that

            South  Korea  but  sparked  some  riots  and    ignites  tensions  between  the  two  countries
            attacks. He was therefore detained for two      that have not ended since they began 70 years
            months  and  could  face  additional  military  ago with the Korean War and the latter's split
            disciplinary  action  and  dismissal  upon      into  North  and  South  Korea,  where  the
            return  to  the  United  States.  After  being  United States was the last ally. After attempts
            released,  he  was  in  the  process  of  being  to  de-escalate  the  situation  between  the
            expelled  and  returned  to  Texas,  but  fled  United States and North Korea over nuclear
            after  passing  through  airport  security,     weapons, the two countries did not find room
            unexpectedly joining a tourist group to the     for  agreement  until  tensions  between  them
            Korean  border  of  Panmunjom,  a  popular      reached  a  peak  that  saw  the  world  await  an
            tourist  spot  in  the  demilitarised  zone     imminent nuclear war, especially after the war
            between  the  two  countries,  through  which   of  words  that  existed  and  persisted  between
            he was able to cross into North Korea.          North  Korean  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  and
                                                            United States presidents.

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