Page 12 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

               As  this  incident  flew,  especially  the   On  the  other  hand,  while,  over  the  past
               thorny  time  of  tensions  between  North   three decades, 11 United States nationals
               Korea and the United States, this story is   have been detained, having accidentally or
               not  expected  to  finish  smoothly  but  to  intentionally   entered    North    Korea
               expect  either  an  escalation  of  the      illegally  and  were  all  eventually  released,
               situation  or  North  Korea's  exploitation  although some of them required high-level
               of the incident in its favour. On the one    diplomatic intervention, which is currently
               hand,  given  the  situation  between  the   rendered  impossible,  especially  after
               United  States  and  North  Korea,  both     representatives     from    Sweden,      the
               countries,  in  different  situations,  are  "preventive power" of the United States in
               making accusations against the other on      the  north,  who  could  have  pushed  for
               the  international  scene.  Thus,  North     King,  have  been  forced  to  leave  the
               Korea  is  expected  to  escalate  the       country  as  the  pandemic  emerged.  It  is
               situation and accuse the United States of    expected  that  this  issue  will  not  be

               deliberately  sending  King  as  a  means  of  resolved  quickly,  but  North  Korea  must
               espionage, especially since it stated in the  first ascertain that it is a dissident and that
               words  of  the  North  Korean  Defence       it  is  neither  an  instigator  nor  a  secret
               Ministry  spokesman,  in  July  2023  and    agent.  Leader  Kim  Jong  Un  is  therefore
               prior  to  this  incident,  that  "The  United  expected  to  use  it  to  start  negotiations,
               States  has  intensified  spying  activities  with  the  welcome  of  a  high-level  United
               more  than  war-period  levels,  through     States  envoy  to  negotiate  King's  return
               provocative  sorties  by  American  spy      and to serve as a catalyst for direct talks
               planes  over  8  consecutive  days  this     between  the  United  States  and  the
               month,  and  several  violations  of  its    Democratic  Republic  of  Korea.  This  is
               airspace over the East Sea." This position   what  the  United  States  has  commented
               is  demonstrated  by  its  disregard  for  all  on,  saying  it  is  open  to  debate,  but  it  is
               attempts to communicate with the United      North  Korea's  leader  who  shows  no
               States  and  its  test-firing  of  two  ballistic  interest in it. Not only that, but also that
               missiles towards the sea early Wednesday     North  Korea  could  exploit  an  American

               morning  after  the  soldier  crossed  its   soldier  under  its  control  to  investigate
               border  and  the  U.S.  submarine  armed     what  it  would  like  to  know  about  the
               with  South  Korea's  nuclear  ballistic     United States, which might help it choose
               missiles arrived Tuesday the 18th of June.   the  appropriate  way  to  respond  to  the
                                                            latter in its own interests.

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