Page 17 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

             Will it be enjoyable to study? And how             Try        to       improve          your

             will you feel about the experiences you            communication  abilities.  If  you
             will  have  with  that  faculty?  Being            are shy, make giving presentations
             qualified  entails  learning  new  things          in front of large groups of people

             that are pertinent to your field and will          easy  for  yourself,  and  God  will
             benefit you in the future. Using FEPS              provide      you     with     the     best

             as  an  example,  you  should  prioritize
                                                                opportunity  to  succeed.  The
             language  study,  political  knowledge,
                                                                morale is that it is not the faculty
             news  reading,  writing  research  or
                                                                that gives you job offers, but how
             articles  on  topics  of  interest,  and
                                                                you work on yourself to be worthy
             attending  training.  The  market  is
                                                                of a good job offer. Yes, there are
             extremely competitive, and you should
                                                                recommendations,  but  keep  in
             be as well. We live in a world where we
                                                                mind that the boss will not fail his
             have become increasingly similar to one
                                                                business  because  he  hired  a  lazy
             another,      with      similar     routines,
                                                                worker who was recommended by
             activities, and, to some extent, views on

             issues. What will set you apart from the           someone  in  authority.  There  is
             crowd?  It  is  your  self-discipline  that        more  to  life  than  one  point  of
             will  force  you  to  work  on  yourself           view,  and  the  key  is  unstoppable

             every day. Surprisingly, FEPS is about             self-development.  Finally,  for  the
             more  than  just  being  a  politician  or  a      freshmen       who      joined      FEPS

             diplomat.  FEPS  provides  you  with  a            recently,  welcome!  You  will  gain
             variety  of  interesting  careers;  you  just      one of the best experiences ever in
             need to broaden your perspective to see            your life. Stay ambitious and have

             them.  My advice to you as a senior is             faith,  and  everything  will  come
             to  start  with  something  you  excel  at,        into place.
             something  that  sets  you  apart  from

             your      peers,     such     as     writing,
             filmmaking,  creating  content  for  the

             internet,     vlogging,     designing,      or
             literally anything that you are good at,
             and build on it. While working on your

             languages  and  skills,  apply  for
             opportunities  that  require  your  skills
             and make connections there.

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