Page 20 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

                 As  a  middle  eastern  country,  facing       But the case of Travis Scott seemed
                 economic  crisis  and  in  need  of  new       to  face  some  “Moral  Objection”

                 sources  for  foreign  currency,  using        from the Egyptians and the public
                 tourism  is  always  a  good  idea  to         opinion,      who     had     different
                 figure out some solutions. This sector         evaluation  on  the  case  of  hosting
                 is     actually     improving       great      the concert.
                 development  especially  after  The

                 National  Tourism  Strategy  launched          People  were  divided  in  two  main
                 in November 2022 aims to attract 30            directions:  With and Against. And
                 million  tourists  to  Egypt  by  2028,        unfortunately,  both  did  not  treat

                 increasing  arrivals  by  25-30  per  cent     the topic from the same angle
                 annually  with  multiple  tactics.  The        Those  who  were  with,  mentioned
                 recovery  in  this  sector  will  be           the  importance  of  this  concert  to
                 achieved only by implementing some             promote  for  Egypt  and  to  appear
                 additional  measures  that  includes           on  international  streams.  As  well,

                 developing         various         tourist     the fans were excited to attend such
                 destinations  to  diversify  tourism           a different type of concerts on their
                 activities in Egypt.                           land with feeling pride to be beside

                 And one of the successful steps taken          the Pyramids. So, we may consider
                 was  hosting  international  concerts          this  as  an  economic  marketing
                 just  like  it  was  made  with  the           perspective with a music taste.
                 GRAMMY-AWARD                 US      band
                 Maroon  5,  who  performed  on  stage

                 at the pyramids the 3rd of May 2022.

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