Page 21 - Issue 55
P. 21

ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

               Those  who  were  against,  were                After all the propaganda that has

               divided into two categories:                    been  made,  the  syndicate  chief
               The  first  category  (A):  intellectual        Mostafa  Kamel  explained:  "The
               and  experienced  citizens  in  the  field
                                                               syndicate  has  welcomed  all  kinds
               with  a  good  background  about  rap
                                                               of  cultural  events  over  the  past
               music  and  updated  with  the  news,
                                                               few months, but all have fallen in
               nationalists. Category A were against
                                                               line  with  set  conditions  to  ensure
               the hosting of this concert due to the
                                                               that  the  customs  and  traditions
               tragic incident that took place at the
                                                               the  cultural  identity  of  Egyptian
               2021  ASTROWORLD  Festival  in
               Houston,  Texas,  where  a  crowd               people”. Despite it all, on July 26,
               crush  at  the  beginning  of  his              it  was  officially  announced  the
               performance resulted in the death of            cancelation of the concert.
               10 people and left approximately 300            The  reactions  on  the  news  were

               injured.  And  it’s  important  to              extremely        diverse      as      the
               mention that this album is especially           government continue its silence.
               significant because it is also his first        But the real question after all, was

               since  the  tragedy.  Thus,  this  group
                                                               it  really  a  golden  opportunity  or
               was  worried  if  the  same  situation
                                                               just  a  loss  to  the  cultural
               happened  in  Egypt  since  we  are  not
               ready  to  face  such  crisis  that  may
                                                               It's  an  open  question  for  many
               harm  the  reputation  of  the  tourism
                                                               others  related  topics  ,  still
               and  the  landmark  of  pyramids.  So
               here,  cost  and  benefit  evaluation           wondering who should decide the
               were  taken  into  consideration  as  in        answer  ,  political  figures,  law,

               their perspective, it is not a good idea        economists , ministers , syndicates
               to host Travis Scott.                           or the public opinion?
               The  second  Category  (B):  general            Before moving to the next article,
               public opinion from the social media            could you please fill this poll  :
               following the trend.

               The  people  from  this  category  were
               scared  of  the  ‘Strange  Rituals”
               practiced  by  the  artist  on  the  stage

               and      the      Masonic        satanist
               conspiracies.  Immediately,  hashtags
               went  viral  and  the  demand  of  the
               cancelation  of  this  event  was  high
               from this perspective and even some

               lawsuits were filled!

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