Page 23 - Issue 55
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ELITE                                              VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023
                                                                       VOL.1, Issue 55, May 2023

                                                                     Despite     the     grim     outlook,
                                                                 opportunities  remain  for  addressing
                                                                 climate  change  on  a  global  scale.  The
                                                                 urgency to transition away from fossil

                                                                 fuels  is  increasingly  recognized  by
                                                                 world  leaders  and  experts  alike.  Calls
                                                                 for  "climate  positive"  actions  are
                                                                 gaining traction, emphasizing the need

                                                                 to  directly  reduce  carbon  footprints
               Experts  predict  that  the  outlook  for
                                                                 rather  than  relying  solely  on  offset
             climate  change  in  2023  is  dire  and
                                                                 mechanisms.  Businesses,  governments,
             likely to worsen. This year has already
                                                                 and  individuals  can  contribute  by
             experienced               record-breaking
                                                                 adopting      eco-friendly       practices,
             temperatures,       validating      earlier
                                                                 embracing  renewable  energy  sources,
             forecasts  that  the  average  global
                                                                 and       implementing         sustainable
             temperature  between  2022  and  2026
                                                                 behaviors  in  daily  life.  But  if  the
             will  surpass  previous  years.  The
                                                                 climate issue is politicized as usual and
             probability  of  exceeding  the  1.5°C
                                                                 procrastinated      by    funding      and
             temperature  threshold  has  escalated
                                                                 implementing  countries,  we  will  not
             significantly  for  this  five-year  period.
                                                                 enjoy  a  sustainable  world.  For  those
             The  impact  of  climate  change  is
                                                                 who are not yet born, all we can say is,
             already  evident,  with  events  like  the
                                                                 we are sorry. But we don’t expect you
             Canadian  wildfires  producing  far-
                                                                 to forgive us.
             reaching     consequences,       including
             smoke spreading to distant regions like

             the  U.S.  and  Paris.  The  effects  of
             climate  change  extend  beyond  rising
             temperatures.  Ocean  acidification  and
             warming  waters  threaten  coral  reefs

             that are critical to  marine  ecosystems.
             Glacial  retreat  and  reduced  ice
             coverage  are  altering  sea  levels  and
             contributing to a cascade of challenges,

             including the potential displacement of
             coastal  populations.  These  mounting
             concerns  indicate  that  climate  change
             is far from reaching its peak in 2023.

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