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               ELITE        Vol.1, Issue 32, June 2021                                                ﺔﻴﺑﺮ #

                                                                  on promoting a lot more necessary values through the
                                                                  media, alongside a proper representation of the great
                                                                  Egyptian culture.
                                                                  As someone who was classified amongst the 100 most
                                                                  powerful women in the region in 2016 by Forbes, we
                                                                  had to ask Dr. Mona about what she believes are the
                                                                  biggest challenges women still face today? Dr. Mona
                                                                  first explained that she was selected by Forbes based
                                                                  upon her great capability in evolving in her field, She
                                                                  then  responded  by  assuring  that  we  currently  live  a
                                                                  golden age for the Egyptian women; she believes that
                                                                  women are now given opportunities like never before.
                                                                  However,  according  to  Dr.  Mona,  the  biggest
                                                                  challenge   facing   women   nowadays   is   the
         author pic                                               discrimination they experience by their families, when
                                                                  it comes to treating their sons and daughters. Dr. Mona
                                                                  added that it is necessary to provide the females with
       "We are living a golden                                    full and equal-to-males opportunities in various fields,

                                                                  including  education  and  sports  for  instance.  She
              age for women"                                      further explained her point by stating that  education,
                                                                  for example, is not just about providing the female a

        As for her opinion as a university professor, she sees that there  chance  to  go  to  school,  but  also  about  by  providing
        is no trust and confidence between the state and the private  protection,  through  safe  transportation  and  the  safe
        sector, and the both must make an effort to gain confidence  road,    “I  ask  girls  to  take  advantage  of  the
        from each other, in order to have well functioning economic  opportunities which are available to them and not to be
        activities. There is no strong economy without both a state and  wasted”,  is  what  she  would  like  to  say  to  each  and
        a  private  sector,  both  parties  are  needed.  The  private  sector  every female around her. She stressed on the fact that
        should  committed  to  the  rules  of  competition,  and  shouldn't  women  has  proved  their  supremacy  and  greatness  in
        violate the laws, and that there should be transparency in its  numerous fields, and that they should continue to do
        data and transactions; the same goes for the state, it must abide  so;  that's  the  right  track  towards  solving  the  gender
        by competition laws and deal with the same rules. At the end  issue we have.
        of the day, it's all for the sake for the Egyptian citizens and
        markets, because as result of this competition, there will be a  Finally, we concluded our interview with Dr. Mona by
        boost in production and job opportunities, providing the needs  asking  her  to  give  an  advice  to  FEPS'  younger
        of the local market, and exporting abroad. Recently, following  generations.  Concerning  undergrads,  Dr.  Mona
        a period of security stability, the state began to reconsider the  expressed  her  sincere  sadness  regarding  having  to
        importance  of  the  private  sector  partnership  in  economic  study during a drastic global pandemic and the current
        activity.                                                 learning  conditions,  but  she  assures  everyone  that
                                                                  success  is  doable  and  easy  with  digital  revaluation,
        One of the fundamentals in competition is the availability of  that  has  aided  in  facilitating  the  ongoing  learning
        correct  information  about  the  market  situation.  In  the  process.  She  also  emphasized  on  the  importance  of
        contemporary  context,  traditional  and  new  media  play  an  investing your free time in developing yourself, your
        important  role  in  influencing  the  economy.  We  asked  Dr.  knowledge and your skills, alongside participating in
        Mona, as a former member of the Supreme Council for Media  as  much  internships  as  possible,  in  order  to  get  a
        Regulation, what does she think about the performance of  glimpse of what the market and the practical filed is
        media  institutions?  she  made  it  clear  that  she  stayed  the  really like. As for FEPS' graduates, she advises them
        Supreme Council for Media Regulation for a short period as a  to  never  stop  working  on  a  better  version  of
        representative for the Competition Protection Authority in the  themselves, because the market's requirements evolve
        Council, thus, she responded to this question in the name of a  day after day, and you must always be prepared, nay
        regular media audience; she believes that the state must work  stay one step ahead.

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